2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
import asyncio
2017-10-11 02:57:17 -04:00
import datetime as dt
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
import json
2017-11-19 22:59:37 -05:00
import logging as log
2017-10-02 17:29:39 -04:00
import subprocess
2017-10-11 02:57:17 -04:00
import sys
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
import traceback as tb
2017-10-16 16:52:54 -04:00
from contextlib import suppress
2017-10-21 16:40:06 -04:00
from pprint import pprint
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
import discord as d
2017-11-08 22:32:06 -05:00
from discord import errors as err
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
from discord import utils
from discord . ext import commands
2017-10-14 23:41:42 -04:00
from discord . ext . commands import errors as errext
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
from misc import exceptions as exc
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
from misc import checks
2017-10-11 02:57:17 -04:00
from utils import utils as u
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
2017-11-19 22:59:37 -05:00
log . basicConfig ( level = log . WARNING )
2017-10-11 02:57:17 -04:00
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
2017-11-06 23:51:07 -05:00
class HelpFormatter ( commands . HelpFormatter ) :
async def format ( ) :
2017-10-20 16:16:05 -04:00
def get_prefix ( bot , message ) :
if isinstance ( message . guild , d . Guild ) and message . guild . id in u . settings [ ' prefixes ' ] :
return u . settings [ ' prefixes ' ] [ message . guild . id ]
return u . config [ ' prefix ' ]
2017-11-06 23:51:07 -05:00
help_formatter = HelpFormatter ( show_check_failure = True )
bot = commands . Bot ( command_prefix = get_prefix , formatter = help_formatter , description = ' Experimental miscellaneous bot ' )
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
2017-10-13 23:38:58 -04:00
# Send and print ready message to #testing and console after logon
2017-10-20 16:17:16 -04:00
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
async def on_ready ( ) :
2017-10-20 16:16:05 -04:00
from cogs import booru , info , management , owner , tools
2017-10-13 23:59:14 -04:00
2017-10-20 16:17:16 -04:00
for cog in ( tools . Utils ( bot ) , owner . Bot ( bot ) , owner . Tools ( bot ) , management . Administration ( bot ) , info . Info ( bot ) , booru . MsG ( bot ) ) :
bot . add_cog ( cog )
print ( f ' COG : { type ( cog ) . __name__ } ' )
2017-10-11 02:57:17 -04:00
2017-10-20 16:16:05 -04:00
# bot.loop.create_task(u.clear(booru.temp_urls, 30*60))
2017-10-11 02:57:17 -04:00
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
if u . config [ ' playing ' ] is not ' None ' :
await bot . change_presence ( game = d . Game ( name = u . config [ ' playing ' ] ) )
else :
await bot . change_presence ( game = None )
2017-10-16 14:07:10 -04:00
2017-10-31 16:13:54 -04:00
print ( ' \n > > > > > > > > > \n C O N N E C T E D : {} \n > > > > > > > > > \n ' . format ( bot . user . name ) )
2017-11-06 02:00:58 -05:00
await bot . get_channel ( u . config [ ' info_channel ' ] ) . send ( ' **Started** \N{BLACK SUN WITH RAYS} . ' )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
# u.notify('C O N N E C T E D')
if u . temp :
2017-10-30 23:28:37 -04:00
channel = bot . get_channel ( u . temp [ ' startup_chan ' ] )
message = await channel . get_message ( u . temp [ ' startup_msg ' ] )
2017-11-06 02:00:58 -05:00
await message . add_reaction ( ' \N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} ' )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
u . temp . clear ( )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
2017-10-20 16:17:55 -04:00
async def on_message ( message ) :
2017-10-29 17:54:50 -04:00
if message . author is not bot . user :
await bot . process_commands ( message )
2017-10-20 16:17:55 -04:00
2017-10-14 15:29:01 -04:00
2017-10-14 23:41:42 -04:00
async def on_error ( error , * args , * * kwargs ) :
2017-10-20 16:17:55 -04:00
print ( ' \n ! ! ! ! ! \n E R R O R : {} \n ! ! ! ! ! \n ' . format ( error ) , file = sys . stderr )
tb . print_exc ( )
2017-11-08 22:32:28 -05:00
await bot . get_user ( u . config [ ' owner_id ' ] ) . send ( ' **ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN} \n ``` \n {} ``` ' . format ( ' ' . join ( tb . format_exception ( type ( error ) , error , error . __traceback__ ) ) ) )
2017-11-06 02:00:58 -05:00
await bot . get_channel ( u . config [ ' info_channel ' ] ) . send ( ' **ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN} \n ``` \n {} ``` ' . format ( error ) )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
if u . temp :
2017-10-30 23:28:37 -04:00
channel = bot . get_channel ( u . temp [ ' startup_chan ' ] )
message = await channel . get_message ( u . temp [ ' startup_msg ' ] )
2017-11-06 02:00:58 -05:00
await message . add_reaction ( ' \N{WARNING SIGN} ' )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
u . temp . clear ( )
2017-10-20 16:17:55 -04:00
# u.notify('E R R O R')
await bot . logout ( )
u . close ( bot . loop )
2017-10-14 15:29:01 -04:00
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
async def on_command_error ( ctx , error ) :
2017-11-08 22:32:06 -05:00
if isinstance ( error , err . NotFound ) :
elif isinstance ( error , errext . CheckFailure ) :
await ctx . send ( ' **Insufficient permissions** ' , delete_after = 10 )
2017-11-06 02:00:58 -05:00
await ctx . message . add_reaction ( ' \N{NO ENTRY} ' )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
elif isinstance ( error , errext . CommandNotFound ) :
print ( ' INVALID COMMAND : {} ' . format ( error ) , file = sys . stderr )
2017-11-06 02:00:58 -05:00
await ctx . message . add_reaction ( ' \N{BLACK QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT} ' )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
else :
print ( ' \n ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! \n C O M M A N D E R R O R : {} \n ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! \n ' . format (
error ) , file = sys . stderr )
tb . print_exception ( type ( error ) , error , error . __traceback__ , file = sys . stderr )
2017-11-08 22:32:28 -05:00
await bot . get_user ( u . config [ ' owner_id ' ] ) . send ( ' **COMMAND ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN} ` {} ` from {} in {} \n ``` \n {} ``` ' . format ( ctx . message . content , ctx . author . mention , ctx . channel . mention , ' ' . join ( tb . format_exception ( type ( error ) , error , error . __traceback__ ) ) ) )
await bot . get_channel ( u . config [ ' info_channel ' ] ) . send ( ' **COMMAND ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN} ` {} ` from {} in {} \n ``` \n {} ``` ' . format ( ctx . message . content , ctx . author . mention , ctx . channel . mention , error ) )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
await exc . send_error ( ctx , error )
2017-11-06 02:00:58 -05:00
await ctx . message . add_reaction ( ' \N{WARNING SIGN} ' )
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
# u.notify('C O M M A N D E R R O R')
2017-10-12 22:28:16 -04:00
2017-11-19 11:40:08 -05:00
async def on_command_completion ( ctx ) :
2017-11-19 11:49:32 -05:00
await ctx . message . add_reaction ( ' \N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} ' )
2017-11-19 11:40:08 -05:00
if ctx . command . name != ' lastcommand ' :
u . last_commands [ ctx . author . id ] = ctx
2017-10-19 04:39:41 -04:00
# d.opus.load_opus('opus')
async def wait ( voice ) :
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
asyncio . sleep ( 5 )
await voice . disconnect ( )
2017-10-19 04:39:41 -04:00
def after ( voice , error ) :
2017-10-20 16:19:58 -04:00
coro = voice . disconnect ( )
future = asyncio . run_coroutine_threadsafe ( coro , voice . loop )
future . result ( )
2017-10-19 04:39:41 -04:00
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
2017-10-11 02:57:17 -04:00
@bot.command ( name = ' ,test ' , hidden = True )
2017-09-25 15:31:51 -04:00
@commands.is_owner ( )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
@checks.del_ctx ( )
2017-11-06 02:02:08 -05:00
async def test ( ctx , * , test ) :
print ( ctx . args )
print ( ctx . kwargs )
2017-10-30 23:36:28 -04:00
# if '<:N_:368917475531816962>' in message:
# await ctx.send('<:N_:368917475531816962>')
2017-10-27 21:06:41 -04:00
# logs = []
# async for entry in ctx.guild.audit_logs(limit=None, action=d.AuditLogAction.message_delete):
# logs.append(
# f'@{entry.user.name} deleted {entry.extra.count} messages from @{entry.target.name} in #{entry.extra.channel.name}')
# pprint(logs)
2017-10-21 16:40:06 -04:00
# channel = bot.get_channel(int(cid))
# voice = await channel.connect()
# voice.play(d.AudioSource, after=lambda: after(voice))
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
2017-10-13 23:38:58 -04:00
bot . run ( u . config [ ' token ' ] )