import asyncio import datetime as dt import json import logging as log import subprocess import sys import traceback as tb from contextlib import suppress from pprint import pprint import discord as d from discord import errors as err from discord import utils from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import errors as errext from misc import exceptions as exc from misc import checks from utils import utils as u log.basicConfig(level=log.WARNING) class HelpFormatter(commands.HelpFormatter): async def format(): pass def get_prefix(bot, message): if isinstance(message.guild, d.Guild) and in u.settings['prefixes']: return u.settings['prefixes'][] return u.config['prefix'] help_formatter = HelpFormatter(show_check_failure=True) bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=get_prefix, formatter=help_formatter, description='Experimental miscellaneous bot') # Send and print ready message to #testing and console after logon @bot.event async def on_ready(): from cogs import booru, info, management, owner, tools for cog in (tools.Utils(bot), owner.Bot(bot), owner.Tools(bot), management.Administration(bot), info.Info(bot), booru.MsG(bot)): bot.add_cog(cog) print(f'COG : {type(cog).__name__}') # bot.loop.create_task(u.clear(booru.temp_urls, 30*60)) if u.config['playing'] is not 'None': await bot.change_presence(game=d.Game(name=u.config['playing'])) else: await bot.change_presence(game=None) print('\n> > > > > > > > >\nC O N N E C T E D : {}\n> > > > > > > > >\n'.format( await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**Started** \N{BLACK SUN WITH RAYS} .') # u.notify('C O N N E C T E D') if u.temp: channel = bot.get_channel(u.temp['startup_chan']) message = await channel.get_message(u.temp['startup_msg']) await message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}') u.temp.clear() @bot.event async def on_message(message): if is not bot.user: await bot.process_commands(message) @bot.event async def on_error(error, *args, **kwargs): print('\n! ! ! ! !\nE R R O R : {}\n! ! ! ! !\n'.format(error), file=sys.stderr) tb.print_exc() await bot.get_user(u.config['owner_id']).send('**ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN}\n```\n{}```'.format(''.join(tb.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)))) await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN}\n```\n{}```'.format(error)) if u.temp: channel = bot.get_channel(u.temp['startup_chan']) message = await channel.get_message(u.temp['startup_msg']) await message.add_reaction('\N{WARNING SIGN}') u.temp.clear() # u.notify('E R R O R') await bot.logout() u.close(bot.loop) @bot.event async def on_command_error(ctx, error): if isinstance(error, err.NotFound): pass elif isinstance(error, errext.CheckFailure): await ctx.send('**Insufficient permissions**', delete_after=10) await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{NO ENTRY}') elif isinstance(error, errext.CommandNotFound): print('INVALID COMMAND : {}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr) await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{BLACK QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT}') else: print('\n! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !\nC O M M A N D E R R O R : {}\n! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !\n'.format( error), file=sys.stderr) tb.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr) await bot.get_user(u.config['owner_id']).send('**COMMAND ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN} `{}` from {} in {}\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.message.content,,, ''.join(tb.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)))) await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**COMMAND ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN} `{}` from {} in {}\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.message.content,,, error)) await exc.send_error(ctx, error) await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WARNING SIGN}') # u.notify('C O M M A N D E R R O R') @bot.event async def on_command_completion(ctx): await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}') if != 'lastcommand': u.last_commands[] = ctx # d.opus.load_opus('opus') async def wait(voice): asyncio.sleep(5) await voice.disconnect() def after(voice, error): coro = voice.disconnect() future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, voice.loop) future.result() @bot.command(name=',test', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() @checks.del_ctx() async def test(ctx, *, test): print(ctx.args) print(ctx.kwargs) # if '<:N_:368917475531816962>' in message: # await ctx.send('<:N_:368917475531816962>') # logs = [] # async for entry in ctx.guild.audit_logs(limit=None, action=d.AuditLogAction.message_delete): # logs.append( # f'@{} deleted {entry.extra.count} messages from @{} in #{}') # pprint(logs) # channel = bot.get_channel(int(cid)) # voice = await channel.connect() #, after=lambda: after(voice))['token'])