Fork 0
Myned b92ff022ca
fish: fix journalctl identifier abbreviations
Signed-off-by: Myned <dev@bjork.tech>
2024-11-06 11:38:21 -06:00

287 lines
9.9 KiB
Raw Blame History

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with lib; let
cfg = config.custom.programs.fish;
in {
options.custom.programs.fish.enable = mkOption {default = false;};
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
# https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Fish
# https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell
programs.fish.enable = true;
home-manager.users = {
# Inherit root configuration from user
root.programs.fish = with config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.fish; {
inherit enable interactiveShellInit shellAbbrs;
${config.custom.username}.programs.fish = let
any = expansion: {
inherit expansion;
position = "anywhere";
in {
enable = true;
shellAbbrs = {
# Expand abbreviations anywhere in the shell
"/e" = any "/etc";
"/en" = any "/etc/nixos";
"/h" = any "~";
"/hd" = any "~/.dev";
"/n" = any "/nix";
"/nv" = any "/nix/var";
"/nvn" = any "/nix/var/nix";
"/nvnp" = any "/nix/var/nix/profiles";
"/nvnps" = any "/nix/var/nix/profiles/system";
"/r" = any "/run";
"/rc" = any "/run/current-system";
reboot = "systemctl reboot";
restart = "systemctl reboot";
poweroff = "systemctl poweroff";
shutdown = "systemctl poweroff";
rsync = "rsync --info progress2";
a = "adb";
as = "adb shell";
asa = "adb shell sh /sdcard/Android/data/com.llamalab.automate/cache/start.sh"; # Automate
b = "sudo borgmatic";
bb = "sudo borgmatic borg";
bc = "sudo borgmatic create --progress --stats";
be = "sudo borgmatic extract --progress";
bi = "sudo borgmatic init -e repokey-blake2";
bk = "sudo borgmatic key export";
bl = "sudo borgmatic list";
bm = "sudo borgmatic mount";
brl = "sudo borgmatic rlist";
br = "sudo borgmatic restore";
bt = "sudo borgmatic export-tar";
bu = "sudo borgmatic unmount";
c = "clear";
e = "exit";
m = "mosh";
d = "docker";
dc = "docker compose";
dcd = "docker compose down";
dce = "docker compose exec";
dcl = "docker compose logs";
dcp = "docker compose pull";
dcu = "docker compose up";
dcuf = "docker compose up --force-recreate";
de = "docker exec";
dei = "docker exec --interactive";
deit = "docker exec --interactive --tty";
det = "docker exec --tty";
di = "docker images";
dk = "docker kill";
dn = "docker network";
dnl = "docker network ls";
dp = "docker pull";
dps = "docker ps";
dpsa = "docker ps --all --size";
dr = "docker rm";
ds = "docker system";
dsp = "docker system prune";
dspav = "docker system prune --all --volumes";
g = "git";
ga = "git add";
gb = "git branch";
gbi = "git bisect";
gbib = "git bisect bad";
gbig = "git bisect good";
gc = "git clone";
gd = "git diff";
gf = "git fetch";
gi = "git init";
gk = "git checkout";
gl = "git log";
gm = "git merge";
gp = "git pull";
gps = "git push";
gr = "git reset";
grh = "git reset --hard";
grb = "git rebase";
grm = "git rm";
grt = "git remote";
grv = "git revert";
gs = "git status";
gsh = "git show";
gst = "git stash";
gsw = "git switch";
gy = "git cherrypick";
jc = "journalctl";
jcei = "journalctl --pager-end --identifier";
jcfi = "journalctl --follow --identifier";
jci = "journalctl --identifier";
jcs = "journalctl --system";
jcse = "journalctl --system --pager-end";
jcsei = "journalctl --user --pager-end --identifier";
jcseu = "journalctl --system --pager-end --unit";
jcsf = "journalctl --system --follow";
jcsfu = "journalctl --system --follow --unit";
jcsu = "journalctl --system --unit";
jcu = "journalctl --user";
jcue = "journalctl --user --pager-end";
jcuei = "journalctl --user --pager-end --identifier";
jcueu = "journalctl --user --pager-end --unit";
jcuf = "journalctl --user --follow";
jcufi = "journalctl --user --follow --identifier";
jcufu = "journalctl --user --follow --unit";
jcui = "journalctl --user --identifier";
jcuu = "journalctl --user --unit";
k = "kitten";
ks = "kitten ssh";
n = "nixos";
nb = "nixos build";
nbb = "nixos build boot";
nbs = "nixos build switch";
nbt = "nixos build test";
nd = "nixos diff";
ng = "nixos generate";
nl = "nixos list";
nr = "nixos repl";
sc = "systemctl";
scp = "systemctl poweroff";
scr = "systemctl reboot";
scs = "systemctl --system";
scsd = "systemctl --system disable";
scsdn = "systemctl --system disable --now";
scse = "systemctl --system reenable";
scsen = "systemctl --system reenable --now";
scsh = "systemctl --system show";
scsl = "systemctl --system list-unit-files";
scsm = "systemctl --system mask";
scsr = "systemctl --system restart";
scsrr = "systemctl --system reload-or-restart";
scss = "systemctl --system status";
scst = "systemctl --system stop";
scsu = "systemctl --system unmask";
scu = "systemctl --user";
scud = "systemctl --user disable";
scudn = "systemctl --user disable --now";
scue = "systemctl --user reenable";
scuen = "systemctl --user reenable --now";
scuh = "systemctl --user show";
scul = "systemctl --user list-unit-files";
scum = "systemctl --user mask";
scur = "systemctl --user restart";
scurr = "systemctl --user reload-or-restart";
scus = "systemctl --user status";
scut = "systemctl --user stop";
scuu = "systemctl --user unmask";
s = "ssh";
si = "ssh -o KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -o HostkeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o Ciphers=aes256-cbc";
ta = "tmux attach";
td = "tmux detach";
tk = "tmux kill-session";
tl = "tmux list-sessions";
ts = "tailscale";
tsip = "tailscale ip --4";
w = "waydroid";
wa = "waydroid app";
waa = "waydroid app launch com.YoStarEN.Arknights"; # Arknights
wap = "waydroid app launch com.android.vending"; # Play Store
was = "waydroid app launch com.android.settings"; # Settings
wf = "waydroid show-full-ui";
wi = "sudo waydroid init --force --system_type GAPPS";
ws = "waydroid session";
wsh = "sudo waydroid shell";
wss = "waydroid session start &> /dev/null & disown";
wst = "waydroid session stop";
wu = "sudo waydroid upgrade";
zt = "sudo zerotier-cli";
ztip = "sudo zerotier-cli get $(sudo zerotier-cli -j listnetworks | jq -r .[-1].id) ip";
interactiveShellInit = ''
### Prompt
# Disable greeting
set -g fish_greeting
function fish_prompt --description 'Write out the prompt'
set -l last_status $status
set -l normal (set_color normal)
set -l status_color (set_color brgreen)
set -l cwd_color (set_color $fish_color_cwd)
set -l vcs_color (set_color brpurple)
set -l prompt_status ""
# Since we display the prompt on a new line allow the directory names to be longer.
set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length
or set -lx fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0
# Color the prompt differently when we're root
set -l suffix ''
if functions -q fish_is_root_user; and fish_is_root_user
if set -q fish_color_cwd_root
set cwd_color (set_color $fish_color_cwd_root)
set suffix '#'
# Color the prompt in red on error
if test $last_status -ne 0
set status_color (set_color $fish_color_error)
set prompt_status $status_color "[" $last_status "]" $normal
echo -s (prompt_login) ' ' $cwd_color (prompt_pwd) $vcs_color (fish_vcs_prompt) $normal ' ' $prompt_status
echo -n -s $status_color $suffix ' ' $normal
### Interactive
# Default is brblack (bright0)
set -g fish_color_autosuggestion brgreen
function exit -d 'Always exit successfully when interactive'
builtin exit 0
# TODO: Pass flags properly
# TODO: Convert to bash
function run -d 'Run packages via nixpkg flakes'
for i in (seq (count $argv))
if ! string match -r '^-' -- $argv[$i]
set argv[$i] (string replace -r ^ nixpkgs# $argv[$i])
nix run $argv
function shell -d 'Open packages in new shell via nixpkg flakes'
for i in (seq (count $argv))
if ! string match -r '^-' -- $argv[$i]
set argv[$i] (string replace -r ^ nixpkgs# $argv[$i])
nix shell $argv
function activate -d 'Activate Python venv'
source .venv/bin/activate.fish