import asyncio import json as jsn import os import pickle as pkl import subprocess from contextlib import suppress from fractions import gcd import math import aiohttp import discord as d from misc import exceptions as exc # from pync import Notifier print('\nPID : {}\n'.format(os.getpid())) # def notify(message): #['terminal-notifier', '-message', message, '-title', # 'Modumind', '-activate', '', '-appIcon', 'icon.png', '-sound', 'Ping'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: with open('config.json') as infile: config = jsn.load(infile) print('LOADED : config.json') except FileNotFoundError: with open('config.json', 'w') as outfile: jsn.dump({'client_id': 0, 'info_channel': 0, 'owner_id': 0, 'permissions': 126016, 'playing': 'a game', 'prefix': [',', 'm,'], 'token': 'str'}, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) raise FileNotFoundError( 'FILE NOT FOUND : config.json created with abstract values. Restart with correct values') def setdefault(filename, default=None): try: with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: print('LOADED : {}'.format(filename)) return pkl.load(infile) except FileNotFoundError: with open(filename, 'wb+') as iofile: print('FILE NOT FOUND : {} created and loaded with default values'.format(filename)) pkl.dump(default, iofile) return pkl.load(iofile) def load(filename, *, json=False): if not json: with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: return pkl.load(infile) else: with open(filename) as infile: return jsn.load(infile) def dump(obj, filename, *, json=False): if not json: with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile: pkl.dump(obj, outfile) else: with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: jsn.dump(obj, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) settings = setdefault('misc/settings.pkl', {'del_ctx': [], 'prefixes': {}}) tasks = setdefault('cogs/tasks.pkl', {'auto_del': [], 'auto_rev': []}) temp = setdefault('temp/temp.pkl', {}) RATE_LIMIT = 2.2 color = d.Color(0x1A1A1A) session = aiohttp.ClientSession() last_commands = {} # async def clear(obj, interval=10 * 60, replace=None): # if replace is None: # if type(obj) is list: # replace = [] # elif type(obj) is dict: # replace = {} # elif type(obj) is int: # replace = 0 # elif type(obj) is str: # replace = '' # # while True: # obj = replace # asyncio.sleep(interval) def close(loop): if session: session.close() loop.stop() pending = asyncio.Task.all_tasks() for task in pending: task.cancel() # with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): # loop.run_until_complete(task) # loop.close() print('Finished cancelling tasks.') async def fetch(url, *, params={}, json=False, response=False): async with session.get(url, params=params, headers={'User-Agent': 'Myned/Modumind/dev'}) as r: if response: return r elif json: return await r.json() return await def generate_embed(ctx, *, title=d.Embed.Empty, type='rich', description=d.Embed.Empty, url=d.Embed.Empty, timestamp=d.Embed.Empty, colour=color, footer={}, image=d.Embed.Empty, thumbnail=d.Embed.Empty, author={}, fields=[]): embed = d.Embed(title=title, type=type, description=description, url=url, timestamp=timestamp, colour=colour if isinstance(, d.TextChannel) else color) if footer: embed.set_footer(text=footer.get('text', d.Embed.Empty), icon_url=footer.get('icon_url', d.Embed.Empty)) if image: embed.set_image(url=image) if thumbnail: embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail) if author: embed.set_author(name=author.get('name', d.Embed.Empty), url=author.get('url', d.Embed.Empty), icon_url=author.get('icon_url', d.Embed.Empty)) for field in fields: embed.add_field(name=field.get('name', d.Embed.Empty), value=field.get('value', d.Embed.Empty), inline=field.get('inline', True)) return embed def get_kwargs(ctx, args, *, limit=False): destination = ctx remaining = list(args[:]) rm = False lim = 1 for flag in ('-d', '-dm'): if flag in remaining: destination = remaining.remove(flag) for flag in ('-r', '-rm', '-remove', '-re', '-repl', '-replace'): if flag in remaining and rm = True remaining.remove(flag) if limit: for arg in remaining: if arg.isdigit(): if 1 <= int(arg) <= limit: lim = int(arg) remaining.remove(arg) break else: raise exc.BoundsError(arg) return {'destination': destination, 'remaining': remaining, 'remove': rm, 'limit': lim} def get_aspectratio(a, b): divisor = gcd(a, b) return f'{int(a / divisor)}:{int(b / divisor)}' def ci(pos, n): z = 1.96 phat = float(pos) / n return (phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * math.sqrt((phat*(1-phat)+z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1+z*z/n)