#! /usr/bin/env bash # @describe Wrapper for connecting to remote desktops # # https://github.com/sigoden/argc # @meta combine-shorts # @option -C --client=remmina Remote desktop client to connect with (remmina or <sdl-|x|w>freerdp) # @option -P --password Password to connect with # @option -S --scale=100 Set FreeRDP resolution scale # @option -U --username! Username to connect with # @flag -v --vm Handle libvirt VM domain state for connection # @arg host! Remote host/VM to connect to eval "$(argc --argc-eval "$0" "$@")" # Handle VM state #!! Requires libvirt networking with hostname resolution if [[ "${argc_vm:-}" ]]; then state="$(virsh domstate "${argc_host:-}")" if [[ "$state" == "paused" ]]; then virsh resume "${argc_host:-}" notify-send "> remote" "${argc_host:-} resumed" --urgency low elif [[ "$state" == "shut off" ]]; then virsh start "${argc_host:-}" notify-send "> remote" "${argc_host:-} starting..." --urgency low # Wait for guest to become available #!! Requires ICMP firewall access on guest c=0 while ! ping -c 1 "${argc_host:-}"; do if ((c > 60)); then notify-send "> remote" "${argc_host:-} timed out" --urgency critical exit 1 fi ((c += 1)) sleep 1 done else notify-send "> remote" "${argc_host:-} online" --urgency low fi fi if [[ "${argc_client:-}" == "remmina" ]]; then remmina --connect "rdp://${argc_username:-}:${argc_password:-}@${argc_host:-}" elif [[ "${argc_client:-}" =~ ^.+freerdp$ ]]; then export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland flags=( "/cert:ignore" "/v:${argc_host:-}" "/u:${argc_username:-}" "/p:${argc_password:-}" # BUG: Invalid argument regression? # https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/issues/10810 #// "/kbd:remap:015b=0154" # VK_LWIN=<00> #?? sdl-freerdp /list:kbd-scancode "/scale:${argc_scale:-}" "/dynamic-resolution" "/sound" "+auto-reconnect" "+clipboard" "+menu-anims" "-grab-keyboard" "-grab-mouse" ) "${argc_client:-}" "${flags[@]}" fi # Suspend VM after connection ends if [[ "${argc_vm:-}" ]]; then # Delay to avoid suspending shutdown sleep 5 if [[ "$(virsh domstate "${argc_host:-}")" != "shut off" ]]; then virsh suspend "${argc_host:-}" notify-send "> remote" "${argc_host:-} paused" --urgency low fi fi