{ config, lib, ... }:

with lib;

  cfg = config.custom.services.syncthing;
  # https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing
  # https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Syncthing
  # https://docs.syncthing.net/users/config.html
  options.custom.services.syncthing = {
    enable = mkOption { default = false; };
    configDir = mkOption { default = "${cfg.dataDir}/.config/syncthing"; };
    dataDir = mkOption { default = "/home/${cfg.user}"; };
    devices = mkOption {
      default = [
    ignorePerms = mkOption { default = false; };
    mount = mkOption { default = null; };
    order = mkOption { default = "alphabetic"; };
    type = mkOption { default = "sendreceive"; };
    user = mkOption { default = config.custom.username; };
    group = mkOption { default = "users"; };

    versioning = mkOption {
      default = {
        params.cleanoutDays = "7";
        type = "trashcan";

    # Per folder attributes override config
    folders = mkOption {
      default =
          #?? "FOLDER" = folder "ID" [ "DEVICES" ]
          folder = id: devices: { inherit id devices; };
          "SYNC/.backup" = folder "oxdvq-dfzjk" [ ];
          "SYNC/.ignore" = folder "qpvfw-j127s" [
          "SYNC/android" = folder "y3omj-gpjch" [ "myxel" ];
          "SYNC/common" = folder "fcsij-g7cnw" [ "myxel" ];
          "SYNC/dev" = folder "fsmar-4wsd3" [ "myxel" ];
          "SYNC/edu" = folder "4nyqw-jfkq2" [ "myxel" ];
          "SYNC/game" = folder "xvdpp-mxlki" [
          "SYNC/linux" = folder "ieikk-bnm7u" [ "myxel" ];
          "SYNC/mac" = folder "yjmt6-z7u4m" [ ];
          "SYNC/owo" = folder "ervqc-ebnzz" [ "myxel" ];
          "SYNC/windows" = folder "2hmna-vfap9" [ ];
          "ZEL/android" =
            folder "gn2l3-2hxtu" [
            // {
              type = "receiveonly";
          "ZEL/music" = folder "nytcx-uwqs7" [ "zendows" ] // {
            type = "receiveonly";

  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
    services.syncthing = {
      enable = true;
      configDir = cfg.configDir;
      dataDir = cfg.dataDir;
      extraFlags = [ "-no-default-folder" ]; # Disable automatic creation of Sync folder
      guiAddress = ""; # Open to all interfaces
      openDefaultPorts = true; # Open transfer/discovery ports
      user = cfg.user;
      group = cfg.group;

      # https://docs.syncthing.net/rest/config.html
      # Undocumented endpoints can be manually extended onto /rest/config/*
      #?? "END/POINT" = null
      #!! Untrusted devices/folders are not exposed via options
      # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/121286
      #!! GUI configured imperatively
      settings = {
        options.urAccepted = -1; # Decline usage statistics

        # BUG: Defaults are not applied via API
        # https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/6748
        # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/268282
        "defaults/ignores".lines = [
          # Linux

          # macOS

          # Windows

          # Development

        # Devices can be declared globally without issue
        # Syncthing seems to ignore entries that match the machine's id
        devices = {
          myarm = {
            introducer = true;

          mynix.id = "UFLECA5-QQUKD5J-FQB55TE-YKKHD37-VT5ASXU-4EGUZNV-KW7Z434-FBI7CQ2";
          myxel.id = "JXIWWYX-7YPOZKV-HPPCPZW-25P34XV-Z7RB7NY-46QN26M-YNP3S4I-UQEISAH";
          zendows.id = "4JS6YSF-OBZFPYW-B3OUF4G-R6DVOZ4-KFAVGFY-NT4J223-E44HK3D-GPYAFQP";

        # Simplify boilerplate folders
        folders = concatMapAttrs (name: folder: {
          "~/${name}" = {
            ignorePerms = cfg.ignorePerms;
            label = name;
            order = cfg.order;
            type = cfg.type;
            versioning = cfg.versioning;
          } // folder // { devices = cfg.devices ++ folder.devices or [ ]; };
        }) cfg.folders;

    #!! Syncthing needs to start after mounting or there is a risk of file deletion
    # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/nixos-unstable/nixos/modules/services/networking/syncthing.nix#L646
    #?? systemctl status
    systemd.services.syncthing = mkIf (isString cfg.mount) {
      after = [ cfg.mount ];
      bindsTo = [ cfg.mount ]; # Start/stop service on mount/unmount