{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let git = config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.git.package; hyprland = config.programs.hyprland.package; #// walker = config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.walker.package; wofi = config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.wofi.package; in { config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.home.file = let # Place script.ext in the same directory as this file #?? pkg = (SHELL "NAME" [ DEPENDENCIES ]) # https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#trivial-builder-writeShellApplication bash = name: dependencies: { ".local/bin/${name}".source = pkgs.writeShellApplication { inherit name; # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/261115 #// excludeShellChecks = ["SC2154"]; # argc evaluates variables at runtime runtimeInputs = dependencies; text = readFile ./${name}.sh; } + "/bin/${name}"; }; # https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Nix-writers#Python3 # Always latest python version in nixpkgs, use writers.makePythonWriter to pin version # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/writers/scripts.nix#L605 python = name: dependencies: { ".local/bin/${name}".source = pkgs.writers.writePython3Bin name {libraries = dependencies;} # Disable linting # https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/3.1.1/user/ignoring-errors.html#ignoring-entire-files ("# flake8: noqa\n" + readFile ./${name}.py) + "/bin/${name}"; }; in mkIf config.custom.full ( with pkgs; mkMerge ( [ # Bash files with extension .sh (bash "audio" [ argc coreutils easyeffects libnotify ]) (bash "calc" [ coreutils libnotify libqalculate wl-clipboard wofi xclip ]) # TODO: Convert to options and disable clipboard.sh # (bash "clipboard" [ # cliphist # libnotify # procps # wl-clipboard # wofi # xclip # ]) (bash "close" [ coreutils hyprland jq libnotify ]) (bash "fingerprints" [ fprintd libnotify ]) (bash "inhibit" [ coreutils libnotify systemd ]) (bash "iommu" [ coreutils findutils pciutils ]) (bash "launch" [ argc coreutils hyprland jq ]) (bash "left" [ argc hyprland jq libnotify ]) (bash "mark" [ coreutils gnugrep libnotify sway ]) # (bash "menu" [ # argc # coreutils # hyprland # jq # networkmanager_dmenu # rofi-rbw # walker # ]) (bash "minimize" [ hyprland jq libnotify ]) (bash "network" [ libnotify networkmanager ]) (bash "nixos" [ argc coreutils git nh nix nixos-rebuild nvd systemd ]) (bash "power" [ libnotify power-profiles-daemon ]) (bash "remote" [ argc coreutils freerdp3 iputils libnotify libvirt remmina ]) (bash "scratchpad" [ coreutils libnotify sway ]) (bash "screenshot" [ argc coreutils grimblast imagemagick libnotify swappy ]) (bash "socket" [ coreutils procps ]) (bash "toggle" [ gnugrep hyprland jq libnotify ]) # (bash "vault" [ # argc # bitwarden-cli # coreutils # jq # libnotify # walker # wl-clipboard # ]) (bash "vpn" [ gnused jq libnotify tailscale ]) (bash "vrr-fs" [ jq libnotify sway ]) (bash "vrr" [ hyprland jq libnotify ]) (bash "wallpaper" [ coreutils fd imagemagick libnotify rsync swww tailscale ]) (bash "window" [ argc coreutils hyprland jq ]) (bash "workspace-sway" [ jq libnotify sway ]) (bash "workspace" [ argc coreutils hyprland jq libnotify ]) (bash "zoom" [ argc bc hyprland jq ]) ] ++ (with pkgs.python3Packages; [ # Python files with extension .py (python "bcrypt" [bcrypt]) ]) ) ); }