{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.custom.programs.mangohud; in { options.custom.programs.mangohud.enable = mkOption {default = false;}; config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username} = mkIf cfg.enable { # https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud programs.mangohud = { enable = true; # BUG: Some GTK apps use Vulkan, which triggers MangoHUD # https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/1305 #// enableSessionWide = true; settings = { background_alpha = 0; background_color = "002b36"; battery = true; battery_watt = true; core_load = true; cpu_color = "268bd2"; cpu_temp = true; device_battery = "gamepad,mouse"; dynamic_frame_timing = true; engine_color = "dc322f"; font_file = "${pkgs.nerd-fonts.iosevka}/share/fonts/truetype/NerdFonts/Iosevka/IosevkaNerdFontPropo-SemiBold.ttf"; font_size = 24; fps_limit = "100,75,60,50"; # !! Monitor dependent fps_limit_method = "early"; # Smoother frametimes compared to late frametime = true; frametime_color = "859900"; #// gl_vsync = -1; # Adaptive gpu_color = "2aa198"; gpu_load_change = true; gpu_temp = true; gpu_stats = true; hud_compact = true; io_color = "b58900"; io_read = true; io_write = true; no_display = true; # Hide by default position = "top-center"; ram = true; ram_color = "d33682"; reload_cfg = "Control_L+Shift_L+slash"; show_fps_limit = true; swap = true; text_color = "fdf6e3"; throttling_status_graph = true; toggle_fps_limit = "Control_L+period"; toggle_hud = "Control_L+slash"; #// vsync = 0; # Adaptive vram = true; vram_color = "6c71c4"; }; }; }; }