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4 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
mangohud: disable global hook
Signed-off-by: Myned <dev@bjork.tech>
2025-01-29 23:33:29 -06:00
zed: initial program
Signed-off-by: Myned <dev@bjork.tech>
2025-01-29 23:32:34 -06:00
browser: add lazy tabs extension
Signed-off-by: Myned <dev@bjork.tech>
2025-01-29 23:32:12 -06:00
ssh: enable host key checking
Signed-off-by: Myned <dev@bjork.tech>
2025-01-29 14:10:39 -06:00
5 changed files with 275 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ in {
#// "enamippconapkdmgfgjchkhakpfinmaj" # DeArrow
"ponfpcnoihfmfllpaingbgckeeldkhle" # Enhancer for YouTube
#// "fnaicdffflnofjppbagibeoednhnbjhg" # floccus
"aabgbgciohhaogajcnacpgilhmacdahc" # Lazy Tabs
#// "bnomihfieiccainjcjblhegjgglakjdd" # Improve YouTube
#// "pnjaodmkngahhkoihejjehlcdlnohgmp" # RSS Feed Reader
"kfimphpokifbjgmjflanmfeppcjimgah" # RSS Reader Extension (by Inoreader)

View file

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ with lib; {
wireshark.enable = true;
#// wofi.enable = true;
#// wpaperd.enable = true;
zed.enable = true;

View file

@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ in {
# https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud
programs.mangohud = {
enable = true;
enableSessionWide = true;
# BUG: Some GTK apps use Vulkan, which triggers MangoHUD
# https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/1305
#// enableSessionWide = true;
settings = {
background_alpha = 0;

View file

@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ in {
options.custom.programs.ssh.enable = mkOption {default = false;};
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
# Disable prompt for new hosts
# MitM warning is still active
programs.ssh.extraConfig = ''
StrictHostKeyChecking no
home-manager.users.${config.custom.username} = {
programs.ssh.enable = true;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
with lib; let
cfg = config.custom.programs.zed;
in {
options.custom.programs.zed = {
enable = mkOption {default = false;};
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
home-manager.sharedModules = [
# https://zed.dev/
# https://github.com/zed-industries/zed
programs.zed-editor = {
enable = true;
extraPackages = with pkgs; [
alejandra # nix
nixd # nix
shellcheck # basher
shfmt # basher
# https://zed.dev/docs/extensions
# https://github.com/zed-industries/extensions/tree/main/extensions
extensions = [
# https://zed.dev/docs/key-bindings
userKeymaps = [
bindings = {
"escape" = "menu::Cancel";
"ctrl-," = "zed::OpenSettings";
"ctrl-o" = "workspace::Open";
context = "Editor";
bindings = {
"alt-enter" = "editor::DuplicateLineDown";
"backspace" = "editor::Backspace";
"shift-backspace" = "editor::Backspace";
"delete" = "editor::Delete";
"tab" = "editor::Tab";
"shift-tab" = "editor::TabPrev";
"ctrl-k" = "editor::CutToEndOfLine";
"ctrl-k ctrl-q" = "editor::Rewrap";
"ctrl-k q" = "editor::Rewrap";
"ctrl-backspace" = "editor::DeleteToPreviousWordStart";
"ctrl-delete" = "editor::DeleteToNextWordEnd";
"shift-delete" = "editor::Cut";
"ctrl-insert" = "editor::Copy";
"shift-insert" = "editor::Paste";
"ctrl-y" = "editor::Redo";
"ctrl-z" = "editor::Undo";
"ctrl-shift-z" = "editor::Redo";
"up" = "editor::MoveUp";
"ctrl-up" = "editor::LineUp";
"ctrl-down" = "editor::LineDown";
"pageup" = "editor::MovePageUp";
"alt-pageup" = "editor::PageUp";
"shift-pageup" = "editor::SelectPageUp";
"home" = "editor::MoveToBeginningOfLine";
"down" = "editor::MoveDown";
"pagedown" = "editor::MovePageDown";
"alt-pagedown" = "editor::PageDown";
"shift-pagedown" = "editor::SelectPageDown";
"end" = "editor::MoveToEndOfLine";
"left" = "editor::MoveLeft";
"right" = "editor::MoveRight";
"ctrl-left" = "editor::MoveToPreviousWordStart";
"ctrl-right" = "editor::MoveToNextWordEnd";
"ctrl-home" = "editor::MoveToBeginning";
"ctrl-end" = "editor::MoveToEnd";
"shift-up" = "editor::SelectUp";
"shift-down" = "editor::SelectDown";
"shift-left" = "editor::SelectLeft";
"shift-right" = "editor::SelectRight";
"ctrl-shift-left" = "editor::SelectToPreviousWordStart";
"ctrl-shift-right" = "editor::SelectToNextWordEnd";
"ctrl-shift-home" = "editor::SelectToBeginning";
"ctrl-shift-end" = "editor::SelectToEnd";
"ctrl-a" = "editor::SelectAll";
"ctrl-l" = "editor::SelectLine";
"ctrl-shift-i" = "editor::Format";
"ctrl-alt-space" = "editor::ShowCharacterPalette";
"ctrl-;" = "editor::ToggleLineNumbers";
"ctrl-k ctrl-r" = "editor::RevertSelectedHunks";
"ctrl-'" = "editor::ToggleHunkDiff";
"ctrl-\"" = "editor::ExpandAllHunkDiffs";
"ctrl-i" = "editor::ShowSignatureHelp";
"alt-g b" = "editor::ToggleGitBlame";
"menu" = "editor::OpenContextMenu";
"shift-f10" = "editor::OpenContextMenu";
# https://zed.dev/docs/configuring-zed
userSettings = {
always_treat_brackets_as_autoclosed = true;
assistant = {
default_model = {
model = "claude-3-5-sonnet-latest";
provider = "zed.dev";
version = 2;
auto_install_extensions = false;
auto_signature_help = true;
# BUG: Font variations are not currently supported
# https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/5028
#// buffer_font_family = "monospace";
buffer_font_family = "IosevkaTermSlab Nerd Font Propo";
buffer_font_size = 18;
buffer_line_height.custom = 1.5;
collaboration_panel = {
button = false;
dock = "right";
cursor_blink = false;
features = {
inline_completion_provider = "none";
indent_guides = {
active_line_width = 2;
load_direnv = "shell_hook";
middle_click_paste = false;
outline_panel = {
dock = "right";
indent_size = 10;
preferred_line_length = 120;
project_panel = {
default_width = 200;
indent_guides.show = "never";
indent_size = 10;
seed_search_query_from_cursor = "selection";
show_user_picture = false;
# TODO: Show trailing whitespace when supported
# https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/5237
show_whitespaces = "selection";
soft_wrap = "preferred_line_length";
tab_size = 2;
tabs = {
file_icons = true;
git_status = true;
show_diagnostics = "all";
telemetry = {
metrics = true;
diagnostics = true;
theme = {
mode = "system";
light = "Solarized Light";
dark = "Solarized Dark";
ui_font_family = config.custom.settings.fonts.sans-serif;
ui_font_size = 18;
# Language-specific
# https://zed.dev/docs/configuring-languages
languages = {
Nix = {
formatter.external.command = "alejandra";
language_servers = ["nixd" "!nil"];
# Theme overrides
# https://zed.dev/docs/themes#theme-overrides
# https://zed.dev/docs/extensions/languages#syntax-highlighting
# https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/blob/main/assets/themes/solarized/solarized.json
# https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/20525
#?? editor: copy highlight json
"experimental.theme_overrides" = {
# https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/4655
players = [
cursor = "#93a1a1";
background = "#93a1a1";
selection = "#93a1a11A"; # 10%
"scrollbar.thumb.background" = "#073642";
"scrollbar.thumb.border" = "#00000000";
syntax = {
attribute.color = "#93a1a1";
boolean.color = "#cb4b16";
comment.color = "#586e75";
"comment.doc".color = "#586e75";
constant.color = "#93a1a1";
constructor.color = "#b58900";
embedded.color = "#657b83";
emphasis.color = "#93a1a1";
"emphasis.strong".color = "#93a1a1";
enum.color = "#b58900";
function.color = "#268bd2";
hint.color = "#657b83";
keyword.color = "#d33682";
label.color = "#93a1a1";
link_text.color = "#93a1a1";
link_uri.color = "#93a1a1";
number.color = "#2aa198";
operator.color = "#657b83";
predictive.color = "#657b83";
preproc.color = "#93a1a1";
primary.color = "#93a1a1";
property.color = "#93a1a1";
punctuation.color = "#657b83";
"punctuation.bracket".color = "#657b83";
"punctuation.delimiter".color = "#657b83";
"punctuation.list_marker".color = "#657b83";
"punctuation.special".color = "#657b83";
string.color = "#859900";
"string.escape".color = "#cb4b16";
"string.regex".color = "#cb4b16";
"string.special".color = "#cb4b16";
"string.special.symbol".color = "#cb4b16";
tag.color = "#93a1a1";
"tag.doctype".color = "#93a1a1";
"text.literal".color = "#93a1a1";
title.color = "#93a1a1";
type.color = "#b58900";
variable.color = "#93a1a1";
"variable.special".color = "#93a1a1";
variant.color = "#93a1a1";