Fork 0

hyprland: fix and modify binds

Signed-off-by: Myned <dev@bjork.tech>
This commit is contained in:
Myned 2024-09-24 11:02:10 -05:00
parent 2baa20b478
commit f5ac3d34ac
Signed by: Myned
GPG key ID: C7224454F7881A34

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
with lib; let
audio = "~/.local/bin/audio";
clipse = "${pkgs.clipse}/bin/clipse";
codium = "${config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.vscode.package}/bin/codium";
firefox-esr = "${config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.firefox.finalPackage}/bin/firefox-esr";
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ with lib; let
hyprctl = "${pkgs.hyprland}/bin/hyprctl";
hyprlock = "${config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.hyprlock.package}/bin/hyprlock";
hyprpicker = "${pkgs.hyprpicker}/bin/hyprpicker";
inhibit = "~/.local/bin/inhibit";
jq = "${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq";
kill = "${pkgs.procps}/bin/kill";
kitty = "${config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.kitty.package}/bin/kitty";
@ -28,13 +30,17 @@ with lib; let
playerctl = "${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl";
rofi-rbw = "${pkgs.rofi-rbw}/bin/rofi-rbw";
rm = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/rm";
screenshot = "~/.local/bin/screenshot";
sleep = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sleep";
steam = "${config.programs.steam.package}/bin/steam";
swayosd-client = "${pkgs.swayosd}/bin/swayosd-client";
systemctl = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl";
toggle = "~/.local/bin/toggle";
virt-manager = "${config.programs.virt-manager.package}/bin/virt-manager";
vm = "~/.local/bin/vm";
walker = "${config.home-manager.users.${config.custom.username}.programs.walker.package}/bin/walker";
waydroid = "${pkgs.waydroid}/bin/waydroid";
zoom = "~/.local/bin/zoom";
cfg = config.custom.desktops.hyprland.binds;
in {
@ -62,7 +68,8 @@ in {
bindl = [
(key "Delete" "Ctrl" "exec" "${hyprctl} reload")
(key "Delete" "Ctrl+Alt" "exec" "${loginctl} terminate-session ''")
(key "Delete" "Super" "exec" "inhibit")
(key "Slash" "Super" "exec" inhibit)
(key "L" "Super" "exec" "${hyprlock} --immediate & ${sleep} 1 && ${hyprctl} dispatch dpms off")
# Laptop lid switches
@ -124,30 +131,29 @@ in {
(key "Bracketleft" "Super+Shift" "splitratio" "-0.1")
(key "Bracketright" "Super" "layoutmsg" "orientationnext")
(key "Bracketright" "Super+Shift" "splitratio" "+0.1")
# TODO: Toggle trackball hand
#// (key "Delete" "Super" "exec" "left")
(key "Delete" "Super" "exec" "${swayosd-client} --output-volume mute")
(key "Delete" "Super+Shift" "exec" "${left} kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse")
(key "Down" "Super" "movewindow" "d")
(key "Down" "Super+Shift" "movewindoworgroup" "d")
(key "Equal" "Super" "exec" "audio Normalizer")
(key "Equal" "Super" "exec" "${swayosd-client} --output-volume raise")
(key "Equal" "Super+Shift" "exec" "${zoom} +0.1")
(key "Escape" "Super" "togglefloating" null)
(key "Escape" "Super+Alt" "exec" "lifx state --color red")
(key "Escape" "Super+Shift" "centerwindow" null)
(key "Left" "Super" "movewindow" "l")
(key "Left" "Super+Shift" "movewindoworgroup" "l")
(key "Minus" "Super" "exec" "audio")
(key "Print" "Shift" "exec" "screenshot display")
(key "Print" "Super" "exec" "screenshot selection --edit")
(key "Print" "Super+Shift" "exec" "screenshot display --edit")
(key "Print" null "exec" "screenshot selection")
(key "Minus" "Super" "exec" "${swayosd-client} --output-volume lower")
(key "Minus" "Super+Shift" "exec" "${zoom} -0.1")
(key "Print" "Shift" "exec" "${screenshot} display")
(key "Print" "Super" "exec" "${screenshot} selection --edit")
(key "Print" "Super+Shift" "exec" "${screenshot} display --edit")
(key "Print" null "exec" "${screenshot} selection")
(key "Return" "Super" "fullscreen" "1") # Maximize
(key "Return" "Super+Shift" "fullscreen" "0") # Fullscreen
(key "Right" "Super" "movewindow" "r")
(key "Right" "Super+Shift" "movewindoworgroup" "r")
(key "Space" "Ctrl" "exec" (concatStringsSep " " [
"--type class"
"--expression '^dropdown$'"
@ -157,7 +163,7 @@ in {
(key "Space" "Ctrl+Alt" "exec" "lifx toggle")
(key "Space" "Ctrl+Shift" "exec" (concatStringsSep " " [
"--type title"
"--expression '^Picture.in.[Pp]icture$'"
"--workspace special:pip"
@ -170,8 +176,8 @@ in {
(key "Up" "Super" "movewindow" "u")
(key "Up" "Super+Shift" "movewindoworgroup" "u")
(key "0" "Super" "workspace" "10")
(key "0" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "10")
(key "0" "Super" "exec" "${audio}")
(key "0" "Super+Shift" "exec" "${zoom}")
(key "1" "Ctrl+Alt" "exec" "lifx state --brightness 0.01")
(key "1" "Super" "workspace" "1")
(key "1" "Super+Alt" "exec" "lifx state --kelvin 1500")
@ -202,7 +208,7 @@ in {
(key "9" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "9")
(key "A" "Ctrl+Alt" "exec" "${waydroid} session stop")
(key "A" "Super" "togglespecialworkspace" "android")
(key "A" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "android")
(key "A" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "special:android")
(key "B" "Super" "exec" "[group new lock; tile] ${firefox-esr}")
(key "C" "Super" "exec" codium)
(key "E" "Super" "exec" gnome-text-editor)
@ -213,7 +219,7 @@ in {
(key "G" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "name:game")
(key "K" "Super" "exec" obsidian)
(key "M" "Super" "togglespecialworkspace" "music")
(key "M" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "music")
(key "M" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "special:music")
(key "O" "Super" "togglespecialworkspace" "office")
(key "O" "Super+Ctrl" "exec" "${onlyoffice}")
(key "O" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "special:office")
@ -224,22 +230,22 @@ in {
(key "Q" "Super" "killactive" null)
(key "S" "Ctrl+Alt" "exec" "${pkill} steam")
(key "S" "Super" "togglespecialworkspace" "steam")
(key "S" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "steam")
(key "S" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "special:steam")
(key "S" "Super+Shift" "exec" steam)
(key "T" "Ctrl+Alt" "exec" "${pkill} kitty")
(key "T" "Super" "togglespecialworkspace" "terminal")
(key "T" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "terminal")
(key "T" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "special:terminal")
(key "T" "Super+Shift" "exec" kitty)
(key "V" "Super" "exec" "${menu} --clipboard")
(key "V" "Super+Shift" "exec" "${rm} ~/.cache/walker/clipboard.gob; ${notify-send} walker 'Clipboard cleared' --urgency low")
(key "W" "Super" "togglespecialworkspace" "vm")
(key "W" "Super+Ctrl" "exec" "vm -x ${
(key "W" "Super+Ctrl" "exec" "${vm} -x ${
if config.custom.hidpi
then "/scale:140 +f"
else ""
(key "W" "Super+Ctrl+Shift" "exec" "vm ${virt-manager} --show-domain-console myndows")
(key "W" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "vm")
(key "W" "Super+Ctrl+Shift" "exec" "${vm} ${virt-manager} --show-domain-console myndows")
(key "W" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "special:vm")
(key "X" "Super" "workspace" "+1")
(key "X" "Super+Shift" "movetoworkspacesilent" "+1")
(key "Z" "Super" "workspace" "-1")