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import asyncio
import traceback as tb
import discord as d
from discord.ext import commands as cmds
from misc import exceptions as exc
from utils import utils as u
class Info(cmds.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# @cmds.command(name='helptest', aliases=['h'], hidden=True)
# async def list_commands(self, ctx):
# embed = d.Embed(title='All possible commands:', color=ctx.me.color)
# embed.set_author(name=ctx.me.display_name, icon_url=ctx.me.avatar_url)
# embed.add_field(
# name='Booru', value='\n{}bl umbrella command for managing blacklists'.format(u.config['prefix']))
# await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@cmds.group(name='info', aliases=['i'], hidden=True)
async def info(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('<embed>BOT INFO</embed>')
@info.command(aliases=['g'], brief='Provides info about a guild')
async def guild(self, ctx, guild_id: int):
guild = d.utils.get(self.bot.guilds, id=guild_id)
if guild:
await ctx.send(guild.name)
await ctx.send(f'**Not in any guilds by the id of: ** `{guild_id}`')
@info.command(aliases=['u'], brief='Provides info about a user')
async def user(self, ctx, user: d.User):