diff --git a/src/cogs/music.py b/src/cogs/music.py
index 51d72a4..b60d0f6 100644
--- a/src/cogs/music.py
+++ b/src/cogs/music.py
@@ -1,108 +1,57 @@
-# import asyncio
-# import json
-# from datetime import datetime as dt
-# from urllib import parse
-# import re
-# from pprint import pprint
-# import discord as d
-# from discord import errors as err
-# from discord.ext import commands as cmds
-# from discord.ext.commands import errors as errext
-# import gmusicapi as gpm
-# import googleapiclient as gapic
-# import apiclient as apic
-# from misc import exceptions as exc
-# from misc import checks
-# from utils import utils as u
-# class Music:
-#     def __init__(self, bot):
-#         self.bot = bot
-#         self.yt_service = apic.discovery.build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=u.secrets['client_secrets']['client_secret'])
-#     @cmds.group(aliases=['pl'], brief='(G) Play music', description='Play music from YouTube, Soundcloud, or Google Play Music')
-#     async def play(self, ctx):
-#         print(ctx.invoked_subcommand)
-#     @play.command(name='youtube', aliases=['you', 'tube', 'yt', 'y'])
-#     async def _play_youtube(self, ctx, *videos):
-#         try:
-#             if not videos:
-#                 raise exc.MissingArgument
-#             vids = []
-#             for video in videos:
-#                 if 'http' in video and 'youtube' in video:
-#                     vids.append(parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(video).query)['v'][0])
-#                 else:
-#                     vids.append(video)
-#             print(vids)
-#             response = self.yt_service.videos().list(part='snippet', id=','.join(vids)).execute()
-#             pprint(response)
-#         except exc.MissingArgument:
-#             await ctx.send('**Invalid youtube url or ID**', delete_after=7)
-#             await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
-#     @play.command(name='googleplaymusic', aliases=['googleplay', 'googlemusic', 'playmusic', 'play', 'gpm'])
-#     async def _play_googleplaymusic(self, ctx, query):
-#         pass
-import discord as d
-from discord import errors as err
-from discord.ext import commands as cmds
-from discord.ext.commands import errors as errext
-# import gmusicapi as gpm
-# import googleapiclient as gapic
-# import apiclient as apic
-from misc import exceptions as exc
-from misc import checks
-from utils import utils as u
-class Music:
-    # def __init__(self, bot):
-    #     self.bot = bot
-    #
-    #     self.yt_service = apic.discovery.build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=u.secrets['client_secrets']['client_secret'])
-    #
-    # @cmds.group(aliases=['pl'], brief='(G) Play music', description='Play music from YouTube, Soundcloud, or Google Play Music')
-    # async def play(self, ctx):
-    #     print(ctx.invoked_subcommand)
-    #
-    # @play.command(name='youtube', aliases=['you', 'tube', 'yt', 'y'])
-    # async def _play_youtube(self, ctx, *videos):
-    #     try:
-    #         if not videos:
-    #             raise exc.MissingArgument
-    #
-    #         vids = []
-    #
-    #         for video in videos:
-    #             if 'http' in video and 'youtube' in video:
-    #                 vids.append(parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(video).query)['v'][0])
-    #             else:
-    #                 vids.append(video)
-    #
-    #         print(vids)
-    #
-    #         response = self.yt_service.videos().list(part='snippet', id=','.join(vids)).execute()
-    #         pprint(response)
-    #
-    #     except exc.MissingArgument:
-    #         await ctx.send('**Invalid youtube url or ID**', delete_after=7)
-    #         await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
-    @play.command(name='googleplaymusic', aliases=['googleplay', 'googlemusic', 'playmusic', 'play', 'gpm'])
-    async def _play_googleplaymusic(self, ctx, query):
-        pass
+import asyncio
+import json
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from urllib import parse
+import re
+from pprint import pprint
+import discord as d
+from discord import errors as err
+from discord.ext import commands as cmds
+from discord.ext.commands import errors as errext
+# import gmusicapi as gpm
+# import googleapiclient as gapic
+# import apiclient as apic
+from misc import exceptions as exc
+from misc import checks
+from utils import utils as u
+class Music:
+    # def __init__(self, bot):
+    #     self.bot = bot
+    #
+    #     self.yt_service = apic.discovery.build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=u.secrets['client_secrets']['client_secret'])
+    #
+    @cmds.group(aliases=['pl'], brief='(G) Play music', description='Play music from YouTube, Soundcloud, or Google Play Music')
+    async def play(self, ctx):
+        print(ctx.invoked_subcommand)
+    #
+    # @play.command(name='youtube', aliases=['you', 'tube', 'yt', 'y'])
+    # async def _play_youtube(self, ctx, *videos):
+    #     try:
+    #         if not videos:
+    #             raise exc.MissingArgument
+    #
+    #         vids = []
+    #
+    #         for video in videos:
+    #             if 'http' in video and 'youtube' in video:
+    #                 vids.append(parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(video).query)['v'][0])
+    #             else:
+    #                 vids.append(video)
+    #
+    #         print(vids)
+    #
+    #         response = self.yt_service.videos().list(part='snippet', id=','.join(vids)).execute()
+    #         pprint(response)
+    #
+    #     except exc.MissingArgument:
+    #         await ctx.send('**Invalid youtube url or ID**', delete_after=7)
+    #         await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
+    @play.command(name='googleplaymusic', aliases=['googleplay', 'googlemusic', 'playmusic', 'play', 'gpm'])
+    async def _play_googleplaymusic(self, ctx, query):
+        pass