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mirror of https://github.com/myned/modufur.git synced 2025-02-22 11:46:24 +00:00

Clean prune user all command

This commit is contained in:
Myned 2018-01-14 02:17:34 -05:00
parent 0581ab8f59
commit e0f58d9ce4

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@ -91,79 +91,49 @@ class Administration:
@_prune_user.command(name='all', aliases=['a'], brief='Prune a user\'s messages from the guild', description='about flag centers on message 50 of 101 messages\n\npfg \{user id\} [before|after|about] [\{message id\}]\n\nExample:\npfg \{user id\} before \{message id\}', hidden=True)
async def _prune_user_all(self, ctx, user, when=None, reference=None):
def yes(msg):
if msg.content.lower() == 'y' and msg.channel is ctx.channel and msg.author is ctx.author:
return True
elif msg.content.lower() == 'n' and msg.channel is ctx.channel and msg.author is ctx.author:
raise exc.CheckFail
return False
async def _prune_user_all(self, ctx, user: d.User):
def confirm(r, u):
if u is ctx.author:
if r.emoji == '\N{OCTAGONAL SIGN}':
raise exc.Abort
if r.emoji == '\N{THUMBS UP SIGN}':
return True
return False
channels = ctx.guild.text_channels
if reference is not None:
for channel in channels:
ref = await channel.get_message(reference)
except err.NotFound:
history = []
pru_sent = await ctx.send('\N{HOURGLASS} **Pruning** <@{}>**\'s messages will take some time**'.format(user))
ch_sent = await ctx.send('\N{FILE CABINET} **Caching channels...**')
pruning = await ctx.send(f'\N{HOURGLASS} **Pruning** {user.mention}**\'s messages might take some time.** Proceed, {ctx.author.mention}?')
await pruning.add_reaction('\N{THUMBS UP SIGN}')
await pruning.add_reaction('\N{OCTAGONAL SIGN}')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if when is None:
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'before':
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, before=ref.created_at):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'after':
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=ref.created_at):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'about':
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, about=ref.created_at):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=confirm, timeout=10 * 60)
deleting = await ctx.send(f'\N{WASTEBASKET} **Deleting** {user.mention}**\'s messages...**')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
est_sent = await ctx.send('\N{STOPWATCH} **Estimated time to delete history:** `{}m {}s`'.format(int(self.RATE_LIMIT * len(history) / 60), int(self.RATE_LIMIT * len(history) % 60)))
cont_sent = await ctx.send('{} **Continue?** `Y` or `N`'.format(ctx.author.mention))
await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=yes, timeout=10 * 60)
await cont_sent.delete()
del_sent = await ctx.send('\N{WASTEBASKET} **Deleting messages..**')
await del_sent.pin()
c = 0
for message in history:
with suppress(err.NotFound):
await message.delete()
c += 1
await del_sent.edit(content='\N{WASTEBASKET} **Deleted** `{}/{}` **messages**'.format(history.index(message) + 1, len(history)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
await del_sent.unpin()
for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels:
await deleting.edit(content=f'\N{WASTEBASKET} **Deleting** {user.mention}**\'s messages from** {channel.mention}')
await ctx.send('\N{WASTEBASKET} `{}` **of** <@{}>**\'s messages left in** {}****'.format(len(history) - c, user, ctx.guild.name))
deleted = await channel.purge(check=lambda m: m.author.id == user.id, before=pruning, limit=None)
c += len(deleted)
except exc.CheckFail:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels:
missed = 0
async for message in channel.history(before=pruning, limit=None):
if message.author.id == user.id:
missed += 1
if missed > 0:
await ctx.send(f'\N{DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK} `{missed}` **messages were not deleted in** {channel.mention}')
await ctx.send(f'\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} **Finished deleting** `{c}` **of** {user.mention}**\'s messages**')
except exc.Abort:
await ctx.send('**Deletion aborted**', delete_after=7)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
except TimeoutError:
await ctx.send('**Deletion timed out**', delete_after=7)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')