Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/myned/modufur.git synced 2025-02-23 03:46:25 +00:00

Merge branch 'dev'

This commit is contained in:
Myned 2017-10-30 00:23:48 -04:00
commit c791d0f59b
6 changed files with 257 additions and 231 deletions

View file

@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ class MsG:
# print('AUTO-POSTING : #{}'.format(ctx.channel.name))
# await ctx.send('**Auto-posting all images in {}**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=5)
# await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
# await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
# else:
# raise exc.Exists
# except exc.Exists:
# await ctx.send('**Already auto-posting in {}.** Type `stop` to stop.'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
# await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
# await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
# Tag search
@commands.command(aliases=['rel'], brief='e621 Search for related tags', description='e621 | NSFW\nReturn related tags for a number of given tags', usage='[related|rel]')
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class MsG:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
# Tag aliases
@commands.command(name='aliases', aliases=['alias'], brief='e621 Tag aliases', description='e621 | NSFW\nSearch aliases for given tag')
@ -109,19 +109,19 @@ class MsG:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='pool', aliases=['getpool', 'getp', 'gp'], brief='e621 Search for pools', description='e621 | NSFW\nReturn pool for query', usage='[related|rel]')
async def get_pool(self, ctx, *args):
def on_message(msg):
if (msg.content.isdigit() and int(msg.content) == 0) or msg.content.lower() == 'cancel' and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel:
raise exc.Abort
elif msg.content.isdigit():
if int(msg.content) <= len(pools) and int(msg.content) > 0 and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel:
return True
def on_reaction(reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == '🛑' and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Abort(match)
return False
def on_message(msg):
return msg.content.isdigit() and int(msg.content) <= len(pools) and int(msg.content) > 0 and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel
kwargs = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)
dest, query = kwargs['destination'], kwargs['remaining']
@ -134,8 +134,14 @@ class MsG:
if len(pool_request) > 1:
for pool in pool_request:
match = await ctx.send('**Multiple pools found for `{}`.** Type the number of the correct match.\n```\n{}```\n`0` or `cancel`'.format(' '.join(query), '\n'.join(['{} {}'.format(c, elem) for c, elem in enumerate(pools, 1)])))
selection = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=on_message, timeout=60)
match = await ctx.send('**Multiple pools found for `{}`.** Type the number of the correct match\n```\n{}```'.format(' '.join(query), '\n'.join(['{} {}'.format(c, elem) for c, elem in enumerate(pools, 1)])))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🛑')
done, pending = await asyncio.wait([self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=on_reaction, timeout=60),
self.bot.wait_for('reaction_remove', check=on_reaction, timeout=60), self.bot.wait_for('message', check=on_message, timeout=60)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for future in done:
selection = future.result()
await match.delete()
tempool = [pool for pool in pool_request if pool['name'] == pools[int(selection.content) - 1]][0]
await selection.delete()
@ -145,11 +151,10 @@ class MsG:
raise exc.NotFound
await ctx.send(f'**{tempool["name"]}**\nhttps://e621.net/pool/show/{tempool["id"]}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.Abort:
await ctx.send('**Search aborted**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
except exc.Abort as e:
await e.message.edit(content='**Search aborted**', delete_after=10)
@commands.command(name='getimage', aliases=['geti', 'gi'])
@ -170,11 +175,11 @@ class MsG:
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.MissingArgument:
await ctx.send('**Invalid url or file**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
# Reverse image searches a linked image using the public iqdb
@commands.command(name='reverse', aliases=['rev', 'ris'], brief='e621 Reverse image search', description='e621 | NSFW\nReverse-search an image with given URL')
@ -213,13 +218,13 @@ class MsG:
await ctx.send('**No probable match for:** `{}`'.format(e), delete_after=10)
if c:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.MissingArgument:
await ctx.send('**Invalid url or file**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='quality', aliases=['qual', 'qrev', 'qis'])
@ -261,13 +266,13 @@ class MsG:
await ctx.send('**No probable match for:** `{}`'.format(e), delete_after=10)
if c:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.MissingArgument:
await ctx.send('**Invalid url or file**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='reversify', aliases=['revify', 'risify', 'rify'])
@ -293,7 +298,7 @@ class MsG:
for attachment in message.attachments:
await message.add_reaction('\N{HOURGLASS WITH FLOWING SAND}')
await message.add_reaction('')
c += 1
if not urls:
@ -304,7 +309,7 @@ class MsG:
await dest.trigger_typing()
await dest.send('**Probable match from** {} `{} / {}`\n{}'.format(message.author.display_name, urls.index(url) + 1, len(urls), await scraper.get_post(url)))
await message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await message.add_reaction('')
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
@ -314,20 +319,20 @@ class MsG:
except exc.MatchError as e:
await ctx.send('**No probable match for:** `{}`'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await message.add_reaction('')
c -= 1
if c > 0:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.NotFound:
await ctx.send('**No matches found**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.BoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **invalid limit.** Query limited to 30'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='qualitify', aliases=['qualify', 'qrevify', 'qrisify', 'qify'])
@ -353,7 +358,7 @@ class MsG:
for attachment in message.attachments:
await message.add_reaction('\N{HOURGLASS WITH FLOWING SAND}')
await message.add_reaction('')
c += 1
if not urls:
@ -366,7 +371,7 @@ class MsG:
post = await scraper.get_post(url)
await dest.send('**Probable match from** {} `{} / {}`\n{}'.format(message.author.display_name, urls.index(url) + 1, len(urls), await scraper.get_image(post)))
await message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await message.add_reaction('')
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
@ -376,20 +381,20 @@ class MsG:
except exc.MatchError as e:
await ctx.send('**No probable match for:** `{}`'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await message.add_reaction('')
c -= 1
if c > 0:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.NotFound:
await ctx.send('**No matches found**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.BoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **invalid limit.** Query limited to 30'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
async def _qualitify(self):
while self.qualitifying:
@ -412,7 +417,7 @@ class MsG:
await message.channel.send('**Probable match from** {}\n{}'.format(message.author.display_name, await scraper.get_image(post)))
with suppress(err.NotFound):
await message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await message.add_reaction('')
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
@ -421,7 +426,7 @@ class MsG:
except exc.MatchError as e:
await message.channel.send('**No probable match for:** `{}`'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await message.add_reaction('')
print('STOPPED : qualitifying')
@ -437,7 +442,7 @@ class MsG:
while not self.bot.is_closed():
message = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check)
await self.qualiqueue.put(message)
await message.add_reaction('\N{HOURGLASS WITH FLOWING SAND}')
await message.add_reaction('')
except exc.Abort:
@ -461,13 +466,13 @@ class MsG:
print('AUTO-QUALITIFYING : #{}'.format(ctx.channel.name))
await ctx.send('**Auto-qualitifying all images in** {}'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
raise exc.Exists
except exc.Exists:
await ctx.send('**Already auto-qualitifying in {}.** Type `stop` to stop.'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
def _get_favorites(self, ctx, args):
if '-f' in args or '-favs' in args or '-faves' in args or '-favorites' in args:
@ -479,45 +484,56 @@ class MsG:
return args
async def _get_pool(self, ctx, *, destination, booru='e621', query=[]):
def on_message(msg):
if (msg.content.isdigit() and int(msg.content) == 0) or msg.content.lower() == 'cancel' and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel:
raise exc.Abort
elif msg.content.isdigit():
if int(msg.content) <= len(pools) and int(msg.content) > 0 and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel:
return True
def on_reaction(reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == '🛑' and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Abort(match)
return False
def on_message(msg):
return msg.content.isdigit() and int(msg.content) <= len(pools) and int(msg.content) > 0 and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel
posts = {}
pool = {}
pools = []
pool_request = await u.fetch('https://{}.net/pool/index.json'.format(booru), params={'query': ' '.join(query)}, json=True)
if len(pool_request) > 1:
for pool in pool_request:
match = await ctx.send('**Multiple pools found for `{}`.** Type the number of the correct match.\n```\n{}```\n`0` or `cancel`'.format(' '.join(query), '\n'.join(['{} {}'.format(c, elem) for c, elem in enumerate(pools, 1)])))
selection = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=on_message, timeout=60)
await match.delete()
tempool = [pool for pool in pool_request if pool['name']
== pools[int(selection.content) - 1]][0]
await selection.delete()
pool = {'name': tempool['name'], 'id': tempool['id']}
pools = []
pool_request = await u.fetch('https://{}.net/pool/index.json'.format(booru), params={'query': ' '.join(query)}, json=True)
if len(pool_request) > 1:
for pool in pool_request:
match = await ctx.send('**Multiple pools found for `{}`.** Type the number of the correct match.\n```\n{}```'.format(' '.join(query), '\n'.join(['{} {}'.format(c, elem) for c, elem in enumerate(pools, 1)])))
await destination.trigger_typing()
elif pool_request:
tempool = pool_request[0]
pool = {'name': pool_request[0]['name'], 'id': pool_request[0]['id']}
raise exc.NotFound
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🛑')
done, pending = await asyncio.wait([self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=on_reaction, timeout=60),
self.bot.wait_for('reaction_remove', check=on_reaction, timeout=60), self.bot.wait_for('message', check=on_message, timeout=60)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for future in done:
selection = future.result()
page = 1
while len(posts) < tempool['post_count']:
posts_request = await u.fetch('https://{}.net/pool/show.json'.format(booru), params={'id': tempool['id'], 'page': page}, json=True)
for post in posts_request['posts']:
posts[post['id']] = {'artist': ', '.join(post['artist']), 'url': post['file_url']}
page += 1
await match.delete()
tempool = [pool for pool in pool_request if pool['name']
== pools[int(selection.content) - 1]][0]
await selection.delete()
pool = {'name': tempool['name'], 'id': tempool['id']}
return pool, posts
await destination.trigger_typing()
elif pool_request:
tempool = pool_request[0]
pool = {'name': pool_request[0]['name'], 'id': pool_request[0]['id']}
raise exc.NotFound
page = 1
while len(posts) < tempool['post_count']:
posts_request = await u.fetch('https://{}.net/pool/show.json'.format(booru), params={'id': tempool['id'], 'page': page}, json=True)
for post in posts_request['posts']:
posts[post['id']] = {'artist': ', '.join(post['artist']), 'url': post['file_url']}
page += 1
return pool, posts
except exc.Abort as e:
await e.message.edit(content='**Search aborted**')
raise exc.Continue
# Messy code that checks image limit and tags in blacklists
async def _get_posts(self, ctx, *, booru='e621', tags=[], limit=1, previous={}):
@ -587,23 +603,20 @@ class MsG:
async def pool_paginator(self, ctx, *args):
def on_reaction(reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == '\N{OCTAGONAL SIGN}' and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id and user is ctx.author:
if reaction.emoji == '🛑' and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Abort
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{GROWING HEART}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Save
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{LEFTWARDS BLACK ARROW}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Left
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{NUMBER SIGN}\N{COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '#⃣' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.GoTo
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Right
return False
def on_message(msg):
if msg.content.isdigit():
if 1 <= int(msg.content) <= len(posts) and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel:
return True
return False
return msg.content.isdigit() and 1 <= int(msg.content) <= len(posts) and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel
kwargs = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)
@ -627,9 +640,9 @@ class MsG:
paginator = await dest.send(embed=embed)
for emoji in ('', '', '#⃣', ''):
await paginator.add_reaction(emoji)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{OCTAGONAL SIGN}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🛑')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
while not self.bot.is_closed():
@ -643,11 +656,11 @@ class MsG:
if values[c - 1]['url'] not in hearted:
hearted.append(values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}')
await paginator.edit(content='')
hearted.remove(values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{BROKEN HEART}')
await paginator.edit(content='💔')
except exc.Left:
if c > 1:
@ -658,7 +671,7 @@ class MsG:
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='**First image**')
@ -674,7 +687,7 @@ class MsG:
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
except exc.Right:
if c < len(keys):
@ -685,66 +698,65 @@ class MsG:
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='**Last image**')
except exc.Abort:
await paginator.edit(content='**Exited paginator**')
except UnboundLocalError:
await dest.send('**Exited paginator**')
if not hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await paginator.edit(content='**Paginator timed out**')
except UnboundLocalError:
await dest.send('**Paginator timed out**')
if not hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.NotFound:
await ctx.send('**Pool not found**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.Timeout:
await ctx.send('**Request timed out**')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.Continue:
if hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{HOURGLASS WITH FLOWING SAND}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
for url in hearted:
await ctx.author.send('`{} / {}`\n{}'.format(hearted.index(url) + 1, len(hearted), url))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='e621page', aliases=['e621p', 'e6p', '6p'])
async def e621_paginator(self, ctx, *args):
def on_reaction(reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == '\N{OCTAGONAL SIGN}' and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id and user is ctx.author:
if reaction.emoji == '🛑' and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Abort
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{GROWING HEART}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Save
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{LEFTWARDS BLACK ARROW}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Left
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{NUMBER SIGN}\N{COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '#⃣' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.GoTo
elif reaction.emoji == '\N{BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW}' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
elif reaction.emoji == '' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Right
return False
def on_message(msg):
if msg.content.isdigit():
if 1 <= int(msg.content) <= len(posts) and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel:
return True
return False
return msg.content.isdigit() and 1 <= int(msg.content) <= len(posts) and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel
kwargs = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)
@ -771,9 +783,9 @@ class MsG:
paginator = await dest.send(embed=embed)
for emoji in ('', '', '#⃣', ''):
await paginator.add_reaction(emoji)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{OCTAGONAL SIGN}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🛑')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
while not self.bot.is_closed():
@ -787,11 +799,11 @@ class MsG:
if values[c - 1]['url'] not in hearted:
hearted.append(values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}')
await paginator.edit(content='')
hearted.remove(values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{BROKEN HEART}')
await paginator.edit(content='💔')
except exc.Left:
if c > 1:
@ -802,7 +814,7 @@ class MsG:
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='**First image**')
@ -818,7 +830,7 @@ class MsG:
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
except exc.Right:
@ -836,7 +848,7 @@ class MsG:
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
except IndexError:
await paginator.edit(content='**No more images found**')
@ -846,51 +858,51 @@ class MsG:
except exc.Abort:
await paginator.edit(content='**Exited paginator**')
except UnboundLocalError:
await dest.send('**Exited paginator**')
if not hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await paginator.edit(content='**Paginator timed out**')
except UnboundLocalError:
await dest.send('**Paginator timed out**')
if not hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.NotFound as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not found**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagBlacklisted as e:
await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} `{}` **blacklisted**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN}')
await ctx.send('🚫 `{}` **blacklisted**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🚫')
except exc.TagBoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **out of bounds.** Tags limited to 5.'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.FavoritesNotFound:
await ctx.send('**You have no favorite tags**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.Timeout:
await ctx.send('**Request timed out**')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
if hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{HOURGLASS WITH FLOWING SAND}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
for url in hearted:
await ctx.author.send('`{} / {}`\n{}'.format(hearted.index(url) + 1, len(hearted), url))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
async def e621_paginator_error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, errext.CheckFailure):
await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY} {} **is not an NSFW channel**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
return await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{NO ENTRY}')
await ctx.send('⛔️ {} **is not an NSFW channel**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
return await ctx.message.add_reaction('⛔️')
# Searches for and returns images from e621.net given tags when not blacklisted
@commands.group(aliases=['e6', '6'], brief='e621 | NSFW', description='e621 | NSFW\nTag-based search for e621.net\n\nYou can only search 5 tags and 6 images at once for now.\ne6 [tags...] ([# of images])')
@ -917,26 +929,26 @@ class MsG:
await dest.send(embed=embed)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagBlacklisted as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **blacklisted**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.BoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **out of bounds.** Images limited to 3.'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagBoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **out of bounds.** Tags limited to 5.'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.NotFound as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not found**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.FavoritesNotFound:
await ctx.send('**You have no favorite tags**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.Timeout:
await ctx.send('**Request timed out**')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
# tools.command_dict.setdefault(str(ctx.author.id), {}).update(
# {'command': ctx.command, 'args': ctx.args})
@ -944,8 +956,8 @@ class MsG:
async def e621_error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, errext.CheckFailure):
await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY} {} **is not an NSFW channel**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
return await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{NO ENTRY}')
await ctx.send('⛔️ {} **is not an NSFW channel**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
return await ctx.message.add_reaction('⛔️')
# Searches for and returns images from e926.net given tags when not blacklisted
@commands.command(aliases=['e9', '9'], brief='e926 | SFW', description='e926 | SFW\nTag-based search for e926.net\n\nYou can only search 5 tags and 6 images at once for now.\ne9 [tags...] ([# of images])')
@ -971,33 +983,33 @@ class MsG:
await dest.send(embed=embed)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagBlacklisted as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **blacklisted**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.BoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **out of bounds.** Images limited to 3.'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagBoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **out of bounds.** Tags limited to 5.'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.NotFound as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not found**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.FavoritesNotFound:
await ctx.send('**You have no favorite tags**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.Timeout:
await ctx.send('**Request timed out**')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.group(aliases=['fave', 'fav', 'f'])
async def favorite(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('**Use a flag to manage favorites.**\n*Type* `{}help fav` *for more info.*'.format(ctx.prefix), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
async def favorite_error(self, ctx, error):
@ -1011,8 +1023,8 @@ class MsG:
async def __get_favorite_tags(self, ctx, *args):
dest = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)['destination']
await dest.send('\N{WHITE MEDIUM STAR} {}**\'s favorite tags:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(self.favorites.get(ctx.author.id, {}).get('tags', set()))), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await dest.send('⭐️ {}**\'s favorite tags:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(self.favorites.get(ctx.author.id, {}).get('tags', set()))), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_get_favorite.command(name='posts', aliases=['p'])
async def __get_favorite_posts(self, ctx):
@ -1038,14 +1050,14 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.favorites, 'cogs/favorites.pkl')
await dest.send('{} **added to their favorites:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(tags)), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.BoundsError:
await ctx.send('**Favorites list currently limited to:** `5`', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagBlacklisted as e:
await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} `{}` **blacklisted**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN}')
await ctx.send('🚫 `{}` **blacklisted**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🚫')
@_add_favorite.command(name='posts', aliases=['p'])
async def __add_favorite_posts(self, ctx, *posts):
@ -1071,11 +1083,11 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.favorites, 'cogs/favorites.pkl')
await dest.send('{} **removed from their favorites:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(tags)), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not in favorites**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_remove_favorite.command(name='posts', aliases=['p'])
async def __remove_favorite_posts(self, ctx):
@ -1094,7 +1106,7 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.favorites, 'cogs/favorites.pkl')
await dest.send('{}**\'s favorites cleared**'.format(ctx.author.mention), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_clear_favorite.command(name='posts', aliases=['p'])
async def __clear_favorite_posts(self, ctx):
@ -1106,7 +1118,7 @@ class MsG:
async def blacklist(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('**Use a flag to manage blacklists.**\n*Type* `{}help bl` *for more info.*'.format(ctx.prefix), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
# @blacklist.error
# async def blacklist_error(self, ctx, error):
@ -1117,14 +1129,14 @@ class MsG:
async def _get_blacklist(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('**Invalid blacklist**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_get_blacklist.command(name='global', aliases=['gl', 'g'])
async def __get_global_blacklist(self, ctx, *args):
dest = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)['destination']
await dest.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} **Global blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['global_blacklist'])))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await dest.send('🚫 **Global blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['global_blacklist'])))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_get_blacklist.command(name='channel', aliases=['ch', 'c'])
async def __get_channel_blacklist(self, ctx, *args):
@ -1133,15 +1145,15 @@ class MsG:
guild = ctx.guild if isinstance(
ctx.guild, d.Guild) else ctx.channel
await dest.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} {} **blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.channel.mention, formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['guild_blacklist'].get(guild.id, {}).get(ctx.channel.id, set()))))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await dest.send('🚫 {} **blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.channel.mention, formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['guild_blacklist'].get(guild.id, {}).get(ctx.channel.id, set()))))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_get_blacklist.command(name='me', aliases=['m'])
async def __get_user_blacklist(self, ctx, *args):
dest = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)['destination']
await dest.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} {}**\'s blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['user_blacklist'].get(ctx.author.id, set()))), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await dest.send('🚫 {}**\'s blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['user_blacklist'].get(ctx.author.id, set()))), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_get_blacklist.command(name='here', aliases=['h'])
async def __get_here_blacklists(self, ctx, *args):
@ -1150,14 +1162,14 @@ class MsG:
guild = ctx.guild if isinstance(
ctx.guild, d.Guild) else ctx.channel
await dest.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} **__Blacklisted:__**\n\n**Global:**\n```\n{}```\n**{}:**\n```\n{}```'.format(formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['global_blacklist']), ctx.channel.mention, formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['guild_blacklist'].get(guild.id, {}).get(ctx.channel.id, set()))))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await dest.send('🚫 **__Blacklisted:__**\n\n**Global:**\n```\n{}```\n**{}:**\n```\n{}```'.format(formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['global_blacklist']), ctx.channel.mention, formatter.tostring(self.blacklists['guild_blacklist'].get(guild.id, {}).get(ctx.channel.id, set()))))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_get_blacklist.group(name='all', aliases=['a'])
async def __get_all_blacklists(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('**Invalid blacklist**')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@__get_all_blacklists.command(name='guild', aliases=['g'])
@ -1167,22 +1179,22 @@ class MsG:
guild = ctx.guild if isinstance(
ctx.guild, d.Guild) else ctx.channel
await dest.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} **__{} blacklists:__**\n\n{}'.format(guild.name, formatter.dict_tostring(self.blacklists['guild_blacklist'].get(guild.id, {}))))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await dest.send('🚫 **__{} blacklists:__**\n\n{}'.format(guild.name, formatter.dict_tostring(self.blacklists['guild_blacklist'].get(guild.id, {}))))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@__get_all_blacklists.command(name='user', aliases=['u', 'member', 'm'])
async def ___get_all_user_blacklists(self, ctx, *args):
dest = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)['destination']
await dest.send('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} **__User blacklists:__**\n\n{}'.format(formatter.dict_tostring(self.blacklists['user_blacklist'])))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await dest.send('🚫 **__User blacklists:__**\n\n{}'.format(formatter.dict_tostring(self.blacklists['user_blacklist'])))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@blacklist.group(name='add', aliases=['a'])
async def _add_tags(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('**Invalid blacklist**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_add_tags.command(name='global', aliases=['gl', 'g'])
@ -1204,7 +1216,7 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.aliases, 'cogs/aliases.pkl')
await dest.send('**Added to global blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(formatter.tostring(tags)), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_add_tags.command(name='channel', aliases=['ch', 'c'])
@ -1230,7 +1242,7 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.aliases, 'cogs/aliases.pkl')
await dest.send('**Added to** {} **blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.channel.mention, formatter.tostring(tags)), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_add_tags.command(name='me', aliases=['m'])
async def __add_user_tags(self, ctx, *args):
@ -1251,13 +1263,13 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.aliases, 'cogs/aliases.pkl')
await dest.send('{} **added to their blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(tags)), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@blacklist.group(name='remove', aliases=['rm', 'r'])
async def _remove_tags(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('**Invalid blacklist**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_remove_tags.command(name='global', aliases=['gl', 'g'])
@ -1276,11 +1288,11 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.blacklists, 'cogs/blacklists.pkl')
await dest.send('**Removed from global blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(formatter.tostring(tags)), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not in blacklist**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_remove_tags.command(name='channel', aliases=['ch', 'c'])
@ -1302,11 +1314,11 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.blacklists, 'cogs/blacklists.pkl')
await dest.send('**Removed from** {} **blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.channel.mention, formatter.tostring(tags), delete_after=5))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not in blacklist**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_remove_tags.command(name='me', aliases=['m'])
async def __remove_user_tags(self, ctx, *args):
@ -1324,17 +1336,17 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.blacklists, 'cogs/blacklists.pkl')
await dest.send('{} **removed from their blacklist:**\n```\n{}```'.format(ctx.author.mention, formatter.tostring(tags)), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.TagError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not in blacklist**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@blacklist.group(name='clear', aliases=['cl', 'c'])
async def _clear_blacklist(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send('**Invalid blacklist**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_clear_blacklist.command(name='global', aliases=['gl', 'g'])
@ -1345,7 +1357,7 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.blacklists, 'cogs/blacklists.pkl')
await dest.send('**Global blacklist cleared**', delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_clear_blacklist.command(name='channel', aliases=['ch', 'c'])
@ -1360,7 +1372,7 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.blacklists, 'cogs/blacklists.pkl')
await dest.send('{} **blacklist cleared**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@_clear_blacklist.command(name='me', aliases=['m'])
async def __clear_user_blacklist(self, ctx, *args):
@ -1371,4 +1383,4 @@ class MsG:
u.dump(self.blacklists, 'cogs/blacklists.pkl')
await dest.send('{}**\'s blacklist cleared**'.format(ctx.author.mention), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')

View file

@ -50,63 +50,63 @@ class Administration:
history = []
pru_sent = await ctx.send('\N{HOURGLASS} **Pruning** <@{}>**\'s messages will take some time**'.format(user))
ch_sent = await ctx.send('\N{FILE CABINET} **Caching channels...**')
pru_sent = await ctx.send('⌛️ **Pruning** <@{}>**\'s messages will take some time**'.format(user))
ch_sent = await ctx.send('🗄 **Caching channels...**')
if when is None:
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'before':
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, before=ref.created_at):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'after':
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=ref.created_at):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'about':
for channel in channels:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, about=ref.created_at):
if message.author.id == int(user):
await ch_sent.edit(content='\N{FILE CABINET} **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
est_sent = await ctx.send('\N{STOPWATCH} **Estimated time to delete history:** `{}m {}s`'.format(int(self.RATE_LIMIT * len(history) / 60), int(self.RATE_LIMIT * len(history) % 60)))
est_sent = await ctx.send(' **Estimated time to delete history:** `{}m {}s`'.format(int(self.RATE_LIMIT * len(history) / 60), int(self.RATE_LIMIT * len(history) % 60)))
cont_sent = await ctx.send('{} **Continue?** `Y` or `N`'.format(ctx.author.mention))
await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=yes, timeout=10 * 60)
await cont_sent.delete()
del_sent = await ctx.send('\N{WASTEBASKET} **Deleting messages..**')
del_sent = await ctx.send('🗑 **Deleting messages..**')
await del_sent.pin()
c = 0
for message in history:
with suppress(err.NotFound):
await message.delete()
c += 1
await del_sent.edit(content='\N{WASTEBASKET} **Deleted** `{}/{}` **messages**'.format(history.index(message) + 1, len(history)))
await del_sent.edit(content='🗑 **Deleted** `{}/{}` **messages**'.format(history.index(message) + 1, len(history)))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
await del_sent.unpin()
await ctx.send('\N{WASTEBASKET} `{}` **of** <@{}>**\'s messages left in** {}****'.format(len(history) - c, user, ctx.guild.name))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.send('🗑 `{}` **of** <@{}>**\'s messages left in** {}****'.format(len(history) - c, user, ctx.guild.name))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except exc.CheckFail:
await ctx.send('**Deletion aborted**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except TimeoutError:
await ctx.send('**Deletion timed out**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
async def delete(self):
while self.deleting:
@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ class Administration:
self.deleting = True
print('AUTO-DELETING : #{}'.format(ctx.channel.id))
await ctx.send('**Auto-deleting all messages in {}**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=5)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
raise exc.Exists
except exc.Exists:
await ctx.send('**Already auto-deleting in {}.** Type `stop` to stop.'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{CROSS MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='deletecommands', aliases=['delcmds'])
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class Administration:
u.dump(u.settings, 'settings.pkl')
await ctx.send('**Delete command invocations:** `{}`'.format(ctx.guild.id in u.settings['del_ctx']))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='setprefix', aliases=['setpre', 'spre'])
@ -189,4 +189,4 @@ class Administration:
del u.settings['prefixes'][ctx.guild.id]
await ctx.send(f'**Prefix set to:** `{"` or `".join(prefix if ctx.guild.id in u.settings["prefixes"] else u.config["prefix"])}`')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')

View file

@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ class Bot:
async def die(self, ctx):
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{NEW MOON SYMBOL}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🌙')
await self.bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**Shutting down** \N{NEW MOON SYMBOL} . . .')
await self.bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**Shutting down** 🌙 . . .')
# loop = self.bot.loop.all_tasks()
# for task in loop:
# task.cancel()
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ class Bot:
async def restart(self, ctx):
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{SLEEPING SYMBOL}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('💤')
print('\n| | | | | | | | | |\nR E S T A R T I N G\n| | | | | | | | | |\n')
await self.bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**Restarting** \N{SLEEPING SYMBOL} . . .')
await self.bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**Restarting** 💤 . . .')
# u.notify('R E S T A R T I N G')
u.temp['restart_ch'] = ctx.channel.id
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Bot:
async def invite(self, ctx):
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{ENVELOPE}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✉️')
await ctx.send('https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id={}&scope=bot&permissions={}'.format(u.config['client_id'], u.config['permissions']), delete_after=10)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class Bot:
u.config['playing'] = 'None'
u.dump(u.config, 'config.json', json=True)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
class Tools:
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Tools:
return False
def exit(reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == '\N{LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK}' and user is ctx.author and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id:
if reaction.emoji == '↩️' and user is ctx.author and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id:
raise exc.Abort
return False
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class Tools:
console = await self.generate(ctx)
exception = await self.generate_err(ctx)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('↩️')
while not self.bot.is_closed():
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class Tools:
sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
print('Reset sys output.')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(name='arbitrary', aliases=[',arbit', ',ar'])
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class Tools:
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
print('Reset stdout.')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.group(aliases=[',db'], hidden=True)

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import tempfile
import traceback as tb
import webbrowser
import discord
import discord as d
import httplib2
import requests_oauthlib as ro
from apiclient import http
@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ class Utils:
async def ping(self, ctx):
global command_dict
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{TABLE TENNIS PADDLE AND BALL}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🏓')
await ctx.send(ctx.author.mention + ' \N{TABLE TENNIS PADDLE AND BALL} `' + str(round(self.bot.latency * 1000)) + 'ms`', delete_after=5)
await ctx.send(ctx.author.mention + ' 🏓 `' + str(round(self.bot.latency * 1000)) + 'ms`', delete_after=5)
command_dict.setdefault(str(ctx.author.id), {}).update({'command': ctx.command})
@commands.command(aliases=['pre'], brief='List bot prefixes', description='Shows all used prefixes')
async def prefix(self, ctx):
await ctx.send('**Prefix:** `{}`'.format('` or `'.join(u.settings['prefixes'][ctx.guild.id] if ctx.guild.id in u.settings['prefixes'] else u.config['prefix'])))
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.group(name=',send', aliases=[',s'], hidden=True)
@ -67,13 +67,26 @@ class Utils:
@send.command(name='guild', aliases=['g', 'server', 's'])
async def send_guild(self, ctx, guild, channel, *, message):
await discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_channels(), guild_name=guild, name=channel).send(message)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
tempchannel = d.utils.find(lambda m: m.name == channel, d.utils.find(
lambda m: m.name == guild, self.bot.guilds).channels)
await tempchannel.send(message)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except AttributeError:
await ctx.send('**Invalid channel**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
except AttributeError:
await ctx.send('**Invalid guild**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@send.command(name='user', aliases=['u', 'member', 'm'])
async def send_user(self, ctx, user, *, message):
await discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_members(), id=int(user)).send(message)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await d.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_members(), id=int(user)).send(message)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
@commands.command(aliases=['authenticateupload', 'authupload', 'authup', 'auth'])
async def authenticate_upload(self, ctx):

View file

@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ class CheckFail(Exception):
class Abort(Exception):
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
class Continue(Exception):

View file

@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ async def on_ready():
await bot.change_presence(game=None)
print('\n\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\nC O N N E C T E D : {}\n/ / / / / / / / /\n'.format(bot.user.name))
await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**Started** \N{BLACK SUN WITH RAYS} .')
await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**Started** ☀️ .')
# u.notify('C O N N E C T E D')
if u.temp:
channel = bot.get_channel(u.temp['restart_ch'])
message = await channel.get_message(u.temp['restart_msg'])
await message.add_reaction('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')
await message.add_reaction('')
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ async def on_message(message):
async def on_error(error, *args, **kwargs):
print('\n! ! ! ! !\nE R R O R : {}\n! ! ! ! !\n'.format(error), file=sys.stderr)
await bot.get_user(u.config['owner_id']).send('**ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN}\n```\n{}```'.format(error))
await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN}\n```\n{}```'.format(error))
await bot.get_user(u.config['owner_id']).send('**ERROR** \n```\n{}```'.format(error))
await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**ERROR** \n```\n{}```'.format(error))
if u.temp:
channel = bot.get_channel(u.temp['restart_ch'])
message = await channel.get_message(u.temp['restart_msg'])
await message.add_reaction('\N{WARNING SIGN}')
await message.add_reaction('')
# u.notify('E R R O R')
await bot.logout()
@ -82,19 +82,19 @@ async def on_error(error, *args, **kwargs):
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, errext.CheckFailure):
await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY} **Insufficient permissions**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{NO ENTRY}')
await ctx.send('⛔️ **Insufficient permissions**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⛔️')
elif isinstance(error, errext.CommandNotFound):
print('INVALID COMMAND : {}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{BLACK QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
print('\n! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !\nC O M M A N D E R R O R : {}\n! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !\n'.format(
error), file=sys.stderr)
tb.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr)
await bot.get_user(u.config['owner_id']).send('**COMMAND ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN}\n```\n{}```'.format(error))
await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**COMMAND ERROR** \N{WARNING SIGN}\n```\n{}```'.format(error))
await bot.get_user(u.config['owner_id']).send('**COMMAND ERROR** \n```\n{}```'.format(error))
await bot.get_channel(u.config['info_channel']).send('**COMMAND ERROR** \n```\n{}```'.format(error))
await exc.send_error(ctx, error)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{WARNING SIGN}')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('')
# u.notify('C O M M A N D E R R O R')
# d.opus.load_opus('opus')