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mirror of https://github.com/myned/modufur.git synced 2025-02-23 03:46:25 +00:00

Pruning all user messages, WIP command structure, channel auto-delete

This commit is contained in:
Myned 2017-10-11 03:05:05 -04:00
parent 1415c92fcc
commit a6e2b50b1c

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@ -1,29 +1,176 @@
import asyncio import asyncio
import discord import discord as d
import traceback import traceback
import discord
from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext import commands
from misc import checks from misc import checks
from misc import exceptions as exc from misc import exceptions as exc
from utils import utils as u
class Administration: class Administration:
def __init__(self, bot): def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot self.bot = bot
self.queue = asyncio.Queue()
@commands.command(name='prunealluser') if u.background.get('management', {}):
if u.background['management'].get('auto_delete', {}):
for channel in u.background['management']['auto_delete']:
temp = self.bot.get_channel(channel)
print('Looping {}'.format(temp.id))
# @commands.group(aliases=['pr', 'clear', 'cl'])
# @commands.is_owner()
# @checks.del_ctx()
# async def prune(self, ctx):
# pass
# @prune.group(name='all', aliases=['a'])
# async def _all(self, ctx):
# pass
# @_all.group(name='user')
# async def __user(self, ctx, user: d.Member):
# channels = ctx.message.guild.text_channels
# bulk_history = {}
# bulk = {}
# history = []
# c = 0
# if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
# for channel in channels:
# bulk_history[channel] = await channel.history(limit=None, after=dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=14)).flatten()
# await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `' + str(channels.index(channel) + 1) + '/' + str(len(channels)) + '` **channels.**')
# await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
# for channel, messages in bulk_history.items():
# bulk[channel] = [message for message in messages if message.author.id == int(uid)]
# for channel, messages in bulk_history.items():
# bulk[channel] = [bulk[channel][i:i+100] for i in range(0, len(bulk[channel]), 100)]
# await ctx.send('⏱ **Estimated time to delete `bulk-history`:** `' + str(int(RATE_LIMIT * sum([len(v) for v in bulk.values()]) / 60)) + ' mins ' + str(int(RATE_LIMIT * sum([len(v) for v in bulk.values()]) % 60)) + ' secs`')
# check = await ctx.send(ctx.author.mention + ' **Continue?** `Y` or `N`')
# await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=yes, timeout=60)
# del_sent = await ctx.send('🗑 **Deleting messages...**')
# for channel, messages in bulk.items():
# for chunk in messages:
# c += len(chunk)
# await channel.delete_messages(chunk)
# await del_sent.edit(content='🗑 **Deleted** `' + str(c) + '/' + str(sum([len(v) for v in bulk.values()])) + '` **messages.**')
# await asyncio.sleep(5)
# await ctx.send('✅ `' + str(sum([len(v) for v in bulk.values()])) + '` **of** <@' + uid + '>**\'s messages deleted from** ' + ctx.message.guild.name + '**.**')
# for channel in channels:
# history.extend(await channel.history(limit=None, before=dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=14)).flatten())
# await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `' + str(channels.index(channel) + 1) + '/' + str(len(channels)) + '` **channels.**')
# await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
@commands.command(name=',prunefromguild', aliases=[',pfg', ',prunefromserver', ',pfs'], brief='Prune a user\'s messages from the guild', description='about flag centers on message 50 of 101 messages\n\npfg \{user id\} [before|after|about] [\{message id\}]\n\nExample:\npfg \{user id\} before \{message id\}')
@commands.is_owner() @commands.is_owner()
async def prune_all_user(self, ctx, uid): @checks.del_ctx()
channels = ctx.message.guild.channels async def prune_all_user(self, ctx, uid, when=None, reference=None):
member = ctx.message.guild.get_member(uid) global RATE_LIMIT
history = {}
c = 0 def yes(msg):
if msg.content.lower() == 'y' and msg.channel is ctx.message.channel and msg.author is ctx.message.author:
return True
elif msg.content.lower() == 'n' and msg.channel is ctx.message.channel and msg.author is ctx.message.author:
raise exc.CheckFail
return False
channels = ctx.message.guild.text_channels
if reference is not None:
for channel in channels: for channel in channels:
history[channel.id] = await channel.history().flatten() try:
print('Added: ' + channel.id) ref = await channel.get_message(reference)
for channel, messages in history.items(): except d.errors.NotFound:
for message in messages: continue
if message.author is member: history = []
pru_sent = await ctx.send('⌛️ **Pruning** <@{}>**\'s messages will take some time.**'.format(uid))
ch_sent = await ctx.send('🗄 **Caching channels...**')
if when is None:
for channel in channels:
history.extend(await channel.history(limit=None).flatten())
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels.**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
elif when =='before':
for channel in channels:
history.extend(await channel.history(limit=None, before=ref.created_at).flatten())
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels.**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'after':
for channel in channels:
history.extend(await channel.history(limit=None, after=ref.created_at).flatten())
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels.**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
elif when == 'about':
for channel in channels:
history.extend(await channel.history(limit=101, about=ref.created_at).flatten())
await ch_sent.edit(content='🗄 **Cached** `{}/{}` **channels.**'.format(channels.index(channel) + 1, len(channels)))
await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
history = [message for message in history if message.author.id == int(uid)]
est_sent = await ctx.send('⏱ **Estimated time to delete history:** `{}m {}s`'.format(int(RATE_LIMIT * len(history) / 60), int(RATE_LIMIT * len(history) % 60)))
cont_sent = await ctx.send('{} **Continue?** `Y` or `N`'.format(ctx.author.mention))
await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=yes, timeout=60)
await cont_sent.delete()
del_sent = await ctx.send('🗑 **Deleting messages...**')
for message in history:
try: await message.delete()
except d.NotFound: pass
# print('Deleted {}/{} messages.'.format(history.index(message) + 1, len(history)))
await del_sent.edit(content='🗑 **Deleted** `{}/{}` **messages.**'.format(history.index(message) + 1, len(history)))
await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
await del_sent.edit(content='🗑 `{}` **of** <@{}>**\'s messages deleted from** {}**.**'.format(len(history), uid, ctx.message.guild.name))
except exc.CheckFail:
await ctx.send('❌ **Deletion aborted.**', delete_after=10)
except TimeoutError:
await ctx.send('❌ **Deletion timed out.**', delete_after=10)
except Exception:
await ctx.send('{}\n```{}```'.format(exc.base, traceback.format_exc(limit=1)))
async def delete(self):
while True:
message = await self.queue.get()
await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT)
await message.delete() await message.delete()
c += 1
await ctx.send('✅ `' + c + '` **messages deleted from the server.**') async def on_message(self, channel):
def check(msg):
if msg.content == 'stop' and msg.channel is channel and msg.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
raise exc.Abort
elif msg.channel is channel and not msg.pinned:
return True
return False
while True:
message = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check)
await self.queue.put(message)
except d.errors.NotFound:
except exc.Abort:
u.update(u.background, 'background.json')
print('Stopped looping {}'.format(channel.id))
await channel.send('✅ **Stopped deleting messages in** {}**.**'.format(channel.mention), delete_after=5)
except AttributeError:
except Exception:
await channel.send(exc.base + '\n```' + traceback.format_exc(limit=1) + '```')
@commands.command(name='autodelete', aliases=['autodel', 'ad'])
async def auto_delete(self, ctx):
channel = ctx.message.channel
u.background.setdefault('management', {}).setdefault('auto_delete', []).append(channel.id)
u.update(u.background, 'background.json')
print('Looping {}'.format(channel.id))
await ctx.send('✅ **Auto-deleting all messages in this channel.**', delete_after=5)