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synced 2025-02-23 03:46:25 +00:00
Added e926 paginator
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 159 additions and 0 deletions
@ -937,6 +937,165 @@ class MsG:
await ctx.send('⛔️ {} **is not an NSFW channel**'.format(ctx.channel.mention), delete_after=10)
return await ctx.message.add_reaction('⛔️')
@commands.command(name='e926page', aliases=['e926p', 'e9p', '9p'])
async def e926_paginator(self, ctx, *args):
def on_reaction(reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == '🛑' and reaction.message.id == ctx.message.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Abort
elif reaction.emoji == '❤' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Save
elif reaction.emoji == '⬅' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Left
elif reaction.emoji == '#⃣' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.GoTo
elif reaction.emoji == '➡' and reaction.message.id == paginator.id and user is ctx.author:
raise exc.Right
return False
def on_message(msg):
return msg.content.isdigit() and 1 <= int(msg.content) <= len(posts) and msg.author is ctx.author and msg.channel is ctx.channel
kwargs = u.get_kwargs(ctx, args)
dest, tags = kwargs['destination'], kwargs['remaining']
limit = self.LIMIT / 5
hearted = []
c = 1
tags = self._get_favorites(ctx, tags)
await ctx.trigger_typing()
posts, order = await self._get_posts(ctx, booru='e926', tags=tags, limit=limit)
keys = list(posts.keys())
values = list(posts.values())
embed = d.Embed(
title=values[c - 1]['artist'], url='https://e926.net/post/show/{}'.format(keys[c - 1]), color=ctx.me.color if isinstance(ctx.channel, d.TextChannel) else self.color)
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
embed.set_author(name=formatter.tostring(tags, order=order),
url='https://e926.net/post?tags={}'.format(','.join(tags)), icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
embed.set_footer(text='{} {} / {}'.format(values[c - 1]['score'], c, len(posts)),
icon_url=self._get_score(values[c - 1]['score']))
paginator = await dest.send(embed=embed)
for emoji in ('❤', '⬅', '#⃣', '➡'):
await paginator.add_reaction(emoji)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🛑')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
while not self.bot.is_closed():
done, pending = await asyncio.wait([self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=on_reaction, timeout=10 * 60),
self.bot.wait_for('reaction_remove', check=on_reaction, timeout=10 * 60)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for future in done:
except exc.Save:
if values[c - 1]['url'] not in hearted:
hearted.append(values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='❤')
hearted.remove(values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='💔')
except exc.Left:
if c > 1:
c -= 1
embed.title = values[c - 1]['artist']
embed.url = 'https://e926.net/post/show/{}'.format(keys[c - 1])
embed.set_footer(text='{} {} / {}'.format(values[c - 1]['score'], c, len(posts)),
icon_url=self._get_score(values[c - 1]['score']))
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='❤' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
await paginator.edit(content='**First image**')
except exc.GoTo:
await paginator.edit(content='**Enter image number...**')
number = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=on_message, timeout=10 * 60)
c = int(number.content)
await number.delete()
embed.title = values[c - 1]['artist']
embed.url = 'https://e926.net/post/show/{}'.format(keys[c - 1])
embed.set_footer(text='{} {} / {}'.format(values[c - 1]['score'], c, len(posts)),
icon_url=self._get_score(values[c - 1]['score']))
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='❤' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
except exc.Right:
if c % limit == 0:
await dest.trigger_typing()
posts.update(await self._get_posts(ctx, booru='e926', tags=tags, limit=limit, previous=posts))
keys = list(posts.keys())
values = list(posts.values())
c += 1
embed.title = values[c - 1]['artist']
embed.url = 'https://e926.net/post/show/{}'.format(keys[c - 1])
embed.set_footer(text='{} {} / {}'.format(values[c - 1]['score'], c, len(posts)),
icon_url=self._get_score(values[c - 1]['score']))
embed.set_image(url=values[c - 1]['url'])
await paginator.edit(content='❤' if values[c - 1]['url'] in hearted else None, embed=embed)
except IndexError:
await paginator.edit(content='**No more images found**')
except exc.NotFound:
await paginator.edit(content='**No more images found**')
except exc.Abort:
await paginator.edit(content='**Exited paginator**')
except UnboundLocalError:
await dest.send('**Exited paginator**')
if not hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await paginator.edit(content='**Paginator timed out**')
except UnboundLocalError:
await dest.send('**Paginator timed out**')
if not hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
except exc.NotFound as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **not found**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('❌')
except exc.TagBlacklisted as e:
await ctx.send('🚫 `{}` **blacklisted**'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('🚫')
except exc.TagBoundsError as e:
await ctx.send('`{}` **out of bounds.** Tags limited to 5.'.format(e), delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('❌')
except exc.FavoritesNotFound:
await ctx.send('**You have no favorite tags**', delete_after=10)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('❌')
except exc.Timeout:
await ctx.send('**Request timed out**')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('❌')
if hearted:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏳')
for url in hearted:
await ctx.author.send('`{} / {}`\n{}'.format(hearted.index(url) + 1, len(hearted), url))
await asyncio.sleep(self.RATE_LIMIT)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
# Searches for and returns images from e621.net given tags when not blacklisted
@commands.group(aliases=['e6', '6'], brief='e621 | NSFW', description='e621 | NSFW\nTag-based search for e621.net\n\nYou can only search 5 tags and 6 images at once for now.\ne6 [tags...] ([# of images])')
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