2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
import json
try :
with open ( ' global_blacklist.json ' ) as infile :
global_blacklist = json . load ( infile )
print ( ' \" global_blacklist.json \" loaded. ' )
except FileNotFoundError :
with open ( ' global_blacklist.json ' , ' w+ ' ) as iofile :
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
print ( ' Blacklist file not found: \" global_blacklist.json \" created. ' )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
json . dump ( [ ] , iofile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
iofile . seek ( 0 )
global_blacklist = json . load ( iofile )
try :
with open ( ' guild_blacklist.json ' ) as infile :
guild_blacklist = json . load ( infile )
print ( ' \" guild_blacklist.json \" loaded. ' )
except FileNotFoundError :
with open ( ' guild_blacklist.json ' , ' w+ ' ) as iofile :
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
print ( ' Blacklist file not found: \" guild_blacklist.json \" created. ' )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
json . dump ( { } , iofile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
iofile . seek ( 0 )
guild_blacklist = json . load ( iofile )
try :
with open ( ' user_blacklist.json ' ) as infile :
user_blacklist = json . load ( infile )
print ( ' \" user_blacklist.json \" loaded. ' )
except FileNotFoundError :
with open ( ' user_blacklist.json ' , ' w+ ' ) as iofile :
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
print ( ' Blacklist file not found: \" user_blacklist.json \" created. ' )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
json . dump ( { } , iofile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
iofile . seek ( 0 )
user_blacklist = json . load ( iofile )
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
import asyncio
import discord
import requests
import traceback
from discord import reaction
from discord . ext import commands
2017-09-27 01:36:27 -04:00
from discord import errors as err
2017-09-24 14:09:02 -04:00
from misc import checks
from misc import exceptions as exc
from utils import formatter , scraper
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
last_command = { }
class MsG :
def __init__ ( self , bot ) :
self . bot = bot
# Creates reaction-based paginator for linked pools
@commands.command ( brief = ' e621/e926 Pool selector ' , description = ' e621/e926 | NSFW/SFW \n Show pools in a page format ' , hidden = True )
@checks.del_ctx ( )
async def pool ( self , ctx , url ) :
pool_urls = [ ]
def check_right ( reaction , user ) :
return user == ctx . message . author and str ( reaction . emoji ) == ' ➡️ '
def check_left ( reaction , user ) :
return user == ctx . message . author and str ( reaction . emoji ) == ' ⬅️ '
try :
pool = scraper . find_pool ( url )
for link in pool :
pool_urls . append ( scraper . find_image_url ( ' https://e621.net ' + link ) )
except exc . PostError :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ' + ctx . message . author . mention + ' **No pool found.** ' )
except exc . ImageError :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ' + ctx . message . author . mention + ' **No image found.** ' )
except Exception :
await ctx . send ( exc . base )
traceback . print_exc ( limit = 1 )
# Reverse image searches a linked image using the public iqdb
@commands.command ( name = ' reverse ' , aliases = [ ' rev ' , ' ris ' ] , brief = ' e621 Reverse image search ' , description = ' e621 | NSFW \n Reverse-search an image with given URL ' )
@checks.del_ctx ( )
async def reverse_image_search ( self , ctx , url ) :
try :
await ctx . trigger_typing ( )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ ' + ctx . message . author . mention + ' **Probable match:** \n ' + scraper . check_match ( ' http://iqdb.harry.lu/?url= ' + url ) )
except exc . MatchError :
2017-09-25 15:31:51 -04:00
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ' + ctx . message . author . mention + ' **No probable match.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
except Exception :
await ctx . send ( exc . base )
traceback . print_exc ( limit = 1 )
# Searches for and returns images from e621.net given tags when not blacklisted
@commands.command ( aliases = [ ' e6 ' , ' 6 ' ] , brief = ' e621 | NSFW ' , description = ' e621 | NSFW \n Tag-based search for e621.net \n \n You can only search 5 tags and 6 images at once for now. \n e6 [tags...] ([# of images]) ' )
@checks.del_ctx ( )
@checks.is_nsfw ( )
async def e621 ( self , ctx , * args ) :
global global_blacklist , guild_blacklist , user_blacklist
args = list ( args )
try :
await ctx . trigger_typing ( )
await self . check_send_urls ( ctx , ' e621 ' , args )
except exc . TagBlacklisted as e :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( e ) + ' ` **blacklisted.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
except exc . BoundsError as e :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( e ) + ' ` **out of bounds.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
except exc . TagBoundsError as e :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( e ) + ' ` **out of bounds.** Tags limited to 5, currently. ' , delete_after = 10 )
2017-09-27 01:36:27 -04:00
except ValueError :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + args [ - 1 ] + ' ` **not a valid limit.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
except exc . NotFound :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Tag(s) not found.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
except Exception :
await ctx . send ( exc . base )
traceback . print_exc ( )
async def e621_error ( self , ctx , error ) :
if isinstance ( error , errors . CheckFailure ) :
return await ctx . send ( ' ❌ <# ' + str ( ctx . message . channel . id ) + ' > **is not an NSFW channel.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
# Searches for and returns images from e926.net given tags when not blacklisted
@commands.command ( aliases = [ ' e9 ' , ' 9 ' ] , brief = ' e926 | SFW ' , description = ' e926 | SFW \n Tag-based search for e926.net \n \n You can only search 5 tags and 6 images at once for now. \n e9 [tags...] ([# of images]) ' )
@checks.del_ctx ( )
async def e926 ( self , ctx , * args ) :
global global_blacklist , guild_blacklist , user_blacklist
args = list ( args )
try :
await ctx . trigger_typing ( )
await self . check_send_urls ( ctx , ' e926 ' , args )
except exc . TagBlacklisted as e :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( e ) + ' ` **blacklisted.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
except exc . BoundsError as e :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( e ) + ' ` **out of bounds.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
except exc . TagBoundsError as e :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( e ) + ' ` **out of bounds.** Tags limited to 5, currently. ' , delete_after = 10 )
2017-09-27 01:36:27 -04:00
except ValueError :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + args [ - 1 ] + ' ` **not a valid limit.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
except exc . NotFound :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Tag(s) not found.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
except Exception :
await ctx . send ( exc . base )
traceback . print_exc ( limit = 1 )
# Messy code that checks image limit and tags in blacklists
async def check_send_urls ( self , ctx , booru , args ) :
global global_blacklist , guild_blacklist , user_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
channel = ctx . message . channel
user = ctx . message . author
urls = [ ]
limit = 1
# Checks if tags are in the file blacklists
if args :
for tag in args :
if tag == ' swf ' or tag == ' webm ' or tag in global_blacklist or tag in guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . get ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) or tag in user_blacklist . get ( str ( user . id ) , [ ] ) :
raise exc . TagBlacklisted ( tag )
if len ( args ) > 5 :
raise exc . TagBoundsError ( formatter . tostring ( args [ 5 : ] ) )
# Checks for, defines, and removes limit from end of args
if args and len ( args [ - 1 ] ) == 1 :
if int ( args [ - 1 ] ) < = 6 and int ( args [ - 1 ] ) > = 1 :
limit = int ( args [ - 1 ] )
args . pop ( )
else :
raise exc . BoundsError ( args [ - 1 ] )
# Checks for blacklisted tags in endpoint blacklists - try/except is for continuing the parent loop
while len ( urls ) < limit :
2017-09-27 01:36:27 -04:00
headers = { ' user-agent ' : ' Modumind/0.0.1 (Myned) ' }
request = requests . get ( ' https:// ' + booru + ' .net/post/index.json?limit=6&tags=order:random ' + formatter . tostring_commas ( args ) , headers = headers ) . json ( )
if not request :
raise exc . NotFound
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
for post in request :
if ' swf ' in post [ ' file_ext ' ] or ' webm ' in post [ ' file_ext ' ] :
try :
for tag in global_blacklist :
if tag in post [ ' tags ' ] :
raise exc . Continue
for tag in guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . get ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) :
if tag in post [ ' tags ' ] :
raise exc . Continue
for tag in user_blacklist . get ( str ( user . id ) , [ ] ) :
if tag in post [ ' tags ' ] :
raise exc . Continue
except exc . Continue :
if post [ ' file_url ' ] not in urls :
urls . append ( post [ ' file_url ' ] )
if len ( urls ) == limit :
for url in urls :
await ctx . send ( ' ` ' + formatter . tostring ( args ) + ' ` \n ' + url )
# Umbrella command structure to manage global, channel, and user blacklists
@commands.group ( aliases = [ ' bl ' , ' b ' ] , brief = ' Manage blacklists ' , description = ' Blacklist base command for managing blacklists \n \n `bl get [blacklist]` to show a blacklist \n `bl set [blacklist] [tags]` to replace a blacklist \n `bl clear [blacklist]` to clear a blacklist \n `bl add [blacklist] [tags]` to add tags to a blacklist \n `bl remove [blacklist] [tags]` to remove tags from a blacklist ' , usage = ' [flag] [blacklist] ([tags]) ' )
@checks.del_ctx ( )
async def blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
if ctx . invoked_subcommand is None :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Use a flag to manage blacklists.** \n *Type* ` ' + ctx . prefix + ' help bl` *for more info.* ' , delete_after = 10 )
async def blacklist_error ( self , ctx , error ) :
if isinstance ( error , commands . CheckFailure ) :
return await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Insufficient permissions.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
if isinstance ( error , exc . TagExists ) :
return await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( exc . TagExists ) + ' ` **already in blacklist.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
if isinstance ( error , exc . TagError ) :
return await ctx . send ( ' ❌ ` ' + str ( exc . TagError ) + ' ` **not in blacklist.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
if isinstance ( error , KeyError ) :
return await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Blacklist does not exist.** ' , delete_after = 10 )
@blacklist.command ( name = ' update ' , aliases = [ ' upd ' , ' up ' ] )
async def _update_blacklists ( self , ctx ) :
global global_blacklist , guild_blacklist , user_blacklist
with open ( ' global_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( global_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
with open ( ' guild_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( guild_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
with open ( ' user_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( user_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ **Blacklists updated.** ' )
@blacklist.group ( name = ' get ' , aliases = [ ' g ' ] )
async def _get_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
if ctx . invoked_subcommand is None :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Invalid blacklist.** ' )
@_get_blacklist.command ( name = ' global ' , aliases = [ ' gl ' , ' g ' ] )
async def __get_global_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
global global_blacklist
await ctx . send ( ' 🚫 **Global blacklist:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( global_blacklist ) + ' ``` ' )
@_get_blacklist.command ( name = ' channel ' , aliases = [ ' ch ' , ' c ' ] )
async def __get_channel_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
global guild_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
channel = ctx . message . channel
await ctx . send ( ' 🚫 <# ' + str ( channel . id ) + ' > **blacklist:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . get ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) ) + ' ``` ' )
@_get_blacklist.command ( name = ' me ' , aliases = [ ' m ' ] )
async def __get_user_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
global user_blacklist
user = ctx . message . author
await ctx . send ( ' 🚫 ' + user . mention + ' ** \' s blacklist:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( user_blacklist . get ( str ( user . id ) , [ ] ) ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 10 )
@_get_blacklist.command ( name = ' here ' , aliases = [ ' h ' ] )
async def __get_here_blacklists ( self , ctx ) :
global global_blacklist , guild_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
channel = ctx . message . channel
await ctx . send ( ' 🚫 **__Blacklisted:__** \n \n **Global:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( global_blacklist ) + ' ``` \n **<# ' + str ( channel . id ) + ' >:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . get ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) ) + ' ``` ' )
@_get_blacklist.group ( name = ' all ' , aliases = [ ' a ' ] )
async def __get_all_blacklists ( self , ctx ) :
if ctx . invoked_subcommand is None :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Invalid blacklist.** ' )
@__get_all_blacklists.command ( name = ' guild ' , aliases = [ ' g ' ] )
@commands.has_permissions ( manage_channels = True )
async def ___get_all_guild_blacklists ( self , ctx ) :
global guild_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
await ctx . send ( ' 🚫 **__ ' + guild . name + ' blacklists:__** \n \n ' + formatter . dict_tostring ( guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) ) )
@__get_all_blacklists.command ( name = ' user ' , aliases = [ ' u ' , ' member ' , ' m ' ] )
@commands.is_owner ( )
async def ___get_all_user_blacklists ( self , ctx ) :
global user_blacklist
await ctx . send ( ' 🚫 **__User blacklists:__** \n \n ' + formatter . dict_tostring ( user_blacklist ) )
@blacklist.group ( name = ' add ' , aliases = [ ' a ' ] )
async def _add_tags ( self , ctx ) :
if ctx . invoked_subcommand is None :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Invalid blacklist.** ' )
@_add_tags.command ( name = ' global ' , aliases = [ ' gl ' , ' g ' ] )
@commands.is_owner ( )
async def __add_global_tags ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global global_blacklist
for tag in tags :
if tag in global_blacklist :
raise exc . TagExists ( tag )
global_blacklist . extend ( tags )
with open ( ' global_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( global_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ **Added to global blacklist:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( tags ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 5 )
@_add_tags.command ( name = ' channel ' , aliases = [ ' ch ' , ' c ' ] )
@commands.has_permissions ( manage_channels = True )
async def __add_channel_tags ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global guild_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
channel = ctx . message . channel
for tag in tags :
if tag in guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . get ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) :
raise exc . TagExists ( tag )
guild_blacklist . setdefault ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . setdefault ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) . extend ( tags )
with open ( ' guild_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( guild_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ **Added to** <# ' + str ( channel . id ) + ' > **blacklist:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( tags ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 5 )
@_add_tags.command ( name = ' me ' , aliases = [ ' m ' ] )
async def __add_user_tags ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global user_blacklist
user = ctx . message . author
for tag in tags :
if tag in user_blacklist . get ( str ( user . id ) , [ ] ) :
raise exc . TagExists ( tag )
user_blacklist . setdefault ( str ( user . id ) , [ ] ) . extend ( tags )
with open ( ' user_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( user_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ ' + user . mention + ' **added:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( tags ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 5 )
@blacklist.group ( name = ' remove ' , aliases = [ ' rm ' , ' r ' ] )
async def _remove_tags ( self , ctx ) :
if ctx . invoked_subcommand is None :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Invalid blacklist.** ' )
@_remove_tags.command ( name = ' global ' , aliases = [ ' gl ' , ' g ' ] )
@commands.is_owner ( )
async def __remove_global_tags ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global global_blacklist
for tag in tags :
if tag in global_blacklist :
global_blacklist . remove ( tag )
else :
raise exc . TagError ( tag )
with open ( ' global_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( global_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ **Removed from global blacklist:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( tags ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 5 )
@_remove_tags.command ( name = ' channel ' , aliases = [ ' ch ' , ' c ' ] )
@commands.has_permissions ( manage_channels = True )
async def __remove_channel_tags ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global guild_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
channel = ctx . message . channel
for tag in tags :
if tag in guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . get ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) :
guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) [ str ( channel . id ) ] . remove ( tag )
else :
raise exc . TagError ( tag )
with open ( ' guild_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( guild_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ **Removed from** <# ' + str ( channel . id ) + ' > **blacklist:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( tags ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 5 )
@_remove_tags.command ( name = ' me ' , aliases = [ ' m ' ] )
async def __remove_user_tags ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global user_blacklist
user = ctx . message . author
for tag in tags :
if tag in user_blacklist . get ( str ( user . id ) , [ ] ) :
user_blacklist . get [ str ( user . id ) ] . remove ( tag )
else :
raise exc . TagError ( tag )
with open ( ' user_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( user_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ ' + user . mention + ' **removed:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( tags ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 5 )
@blacklist.group ( name = ' set ' , aliases = [ ' s ' ] )
async def _set_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
if ctx . invoked_subcommand is None :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Invalid blacklist.** ' )
@_set_blacklist.command ( name = ' global ' , aliases = [ ' gl ' , ' g ' ] )
@commands.is_owner ( )
async def __set_global_blacklist ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global global_blacklist
global_blacklist = tags [ : ]
with open ( ' global_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( global_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ **Global blacklist set to:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( global_blacklist ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 10 )
@_set_blacklist.command ( name = ' channel ' , aliases = [ ' ch ' , ' c ' ] )
@commands.has_permissions ( manage_channels = True )
async def __set_channel_blacklist ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global guild_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
channel = ctx . message . channel
guild_blacklist . setdefault ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) [ str ( channel . id ) ] = tags [ : ]
with open ( ' guild_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( guild_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ <# ' + str ( channel . id ) + ' > **blacklist set to:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) . get ( str ( channel . id ) , [ ] ) ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 10 )
@_set_blacklist.command ( name = ' me ' , aliases = [ ' m ' ] )
async def __set_user_blacklist ( self , ctx , * tags ) :
global user_blacklist
user = ctx . message . author
user_blacklist [ str ( user . id ) ] = tags [ : ]
with open ( ' user_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( user_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ ' + user . mention + ' ** \' s blacklist set to:** \n ``` ' + formatter . tostring ( user_blacklist . get ( str ( user . id ) , [ ] ) ) + ' ``` ' , delete_after = 10 )
@blacklist.group ( name = ' clear ' , aliases = [ ' cl ' , ' c ' ] )
async def _clear_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
if ctx . invoked_subcommand is None :
await ctx . send ( ' ❌ **Invalid blacklist.** ' )
@_clear_blacklist.command ( name = ' global ' , aliases = [ ' gl ' , ' g ' ] )
@commands.is_owner ( )
async def __clear_global_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
global global_blacklist
2017-09-24 15:13:36 -04:00
del global_blacklist
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
with open ( ' global_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( global_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ **Global blacklist cleared.** ' , delete_after = 5 )
@_clear_blacklist.command ( name = ' channel ' , aliases = [ ' ch ' , ' c ' ] )
@commands.has_permissions ( manage_channels = True )
async def __clear_channel_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
global guild_blacklist
if isinstance ( ctx . message . guild , discord . Guild ) :
guild = ctx . message . guild
else :
guild = ctx . message . channel
channel = ctx . message . channel
2017-09-24 15:13:36 -04:00
del guild_blacklist . get ( str ( guild . id ) , { } ) [ str ( channel . id ) ]
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
with open ( ' guild_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( guild_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ <# ' + str ( channel . id ) + ' > **blacklist cleared.** ' , delete_after = 5 )
@_clear_blacklist.command ( name = ' me ' , aliases = [ ' m ' ] )
async def __clear_user_blacklist ( self , ctx ) :
global user_blacklist
user = ctx . message . author
2017-09-24 15:13:36 -04:00
del user_blacklist [ str ( user . id ) ]
2017-09-24 11:05:28 -04:00
with open ( ' user_blacklist.json ' , ' w ' ) as outfile :
json . dump ( user_blacklist , outfile , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True )
await ctx . send ( ' ✅ ' + user . mention + ' ** \' s blacklist cleared.** ' , delete_after = 5 )